here so i'm going to present uh software going with uh what i might be
a system and uh it's fine yes or entropy based supervised merging for one critical
in section
and here is the outline of my talk so i will uh briefly remind you
about the back of what model which is the basis for a while and then
i will introduce a technique that we propose which is the set of is close
to being and i will present some experimental results in the room
so the problem of dealing with this is a problem of a visual concept detection
basically we want to build the system so that uh when we defeated image the
system is able to detect whether the concept appeal do not this image based on
the set of a given concept
so we these is a classical way uh from this image will be the feature
vector which is a representation of the visual content of the image content
classifier trained
since the a which is used as much as we do
do not all uh
and you
but what uh
just use the vocal going to be which are all one side image which can
be maximization
all sometimes we could use is necessary to the Z unit
yeah on each of these point to look at this
like he would you know this will see one
so with this process uh presentation of an image is set over
and uh
that is really is a way isn't set
i would like to
so the is what we uh we do not images from the training set and
each of these image we do
the this paper we have this we will we find it is how is a
uh a result that in and in the descriptor space we will just be used
in the disk space and language this paper we will be shown in london or
one like say in each of these that we represent each one where
so in order to be matched with
all right well we compute the local the speaker and then we for each descriptor
we in which that it is an easy to uh the signal space
is that will be we don't by one of all this
though we only need this topic i just and we uh compute the is that
are all the distinct in each is you know this is that the feature presentation
oh i see that once is
so that you agree that you know that we use the solution that we the
number of discrete the B and
we met in fact that the presentation of the interior presentation will be able but
it's easy for this in the disk space
so we use the rotation automation this routine was about
density and because it's
uh this approximation is a make one by assuming that probability density is constant actually
where each yeah it's
yeah the descriptor space
a uh so that is so that of course this is the visual channel B
is going to be very
because uh you we see used uh
the approximation
then we can also i we have a mission and that's we did not performance
because the description of image that is more inside the dictionary size with the hotel
all right side and increase the complexity we basically you could very well be something
the rest of the data but also in the detection we use this is that
uh is what we call
and also that the loss is a we will be
a way to classify them or no interest
the more i got so i
this your model that
and well see that uh usable model so that uh the way it should be
we should be sure is principle is we don't really information is that
uh this is very diversity once i think uh it makes my presentation level but
since the feature vector and classifier detect set we may see that there is some
information tracking and uh that the
the visual dictionary construction will be so this is exactly uh what we will
to this uh this presentation and vision is to use the label information in the
presentation that the future work
it is therefore we if we got a process that the that this difference
and we compare the labels we use this is so uh this is not a
display of this the images and images label by a concept so that its you
and that may be more interesting
able to stop
uh in all the cases for instance because actually doesn't matter for all the detection
set with this one you know
so uh how all this is this
for human action at uh Z label information
and the way is that we do is that the study a at which you
will be the dictionary size the so you know that we are going to be
a much a dictionary actually several times yeah it is and
so is a large number one and then we do this and these were well
into a final uh i'd like to uh consider the right yeah i use
so we look at it would be where and when they are compared the same
information about
so basically uh this is this step uh
well going to uh and stuff like this to the you do you dynasty is
more well then we know the where and it ultimately we have on the one
with each is your well maybe and all considered
so uh i yeah is select the best one and one we decrease the size
of the dictionary and we continue we take this process and we combine speech is
the to the size
now what is that like a comedy and a mouse is so the way that
no information about label distinctive
so you all these videos and music
the uh each easier this company does that this is that we have one and
we can uh final set which is you what we would like to have it
involves analysis
and actually not a set of the uh
so in a more formal way what is that uh for each concept people in
each other's and each visual what we do not all clusters of the concept label
X E uh this one C by just counting for each unit which is how
this uh the proportion of this which ones
then when we can stop we can easily computed the condition the concept and then
computed for all the concept label distribution
you a visual channel which is that
now uh we don't usually P and then we don't for what happens if we
use the real data you visual dictionary what we can also you and we want
to minimize what we do with the C is which minimizes
so uh we did this process until we reach the desired size for you
oh is that we can see once the basis B C and it is based
scheme we divide people or the concept at the same time
we could also see that this uh the visual attention for each concept and if
you don't which is dependent on set
in this way we will only consider a single concept be able to be uh
and uh but which maximize information about the signal concept so we've been maybe others
due to the T is a set
all we can also add an additional uh
the concept dependent entropy is a once in which we can also but it would
say this so well to and
and usually a directivity which may not connex in the descriptors
now uh we haven't this approach using the technique they are we that the sense
that one which is about what you saw and we have a spatial context
we do is look at images and uh C uh
this is this uh which is the image and you our times the study we
use uh the and we have a support vector machine with
so as to see what we will do is used as in each of dictionary
size which is not to be we try to two times and it is
in chunking he's we
yeah almost no connection
it is yeah and the way we evaluate performance of the system is this talk
about the evaluation
which is the mean of the system and on the basis of what we basically
now we apply the classifier that this and we get to school each concept in
each shot we wish it something related to show it is what we did with
this so that we can yeah
also based on it should be a five hundred well and the initial dictionary size
one thousand two thousand and four that the which are time times and it is
the difference is uh those results that we got our baseline resulting in all five
gives the precision of a seven percent seven set and if we do this by
not and so we still have a final dictionary size of what but that multi
condition dictionary you're one of the things that of that and you see that uh
we get the performance which is a seven one nine eight point one percent
what the substance of what well as usual
so this is probably not be for the whole two distribution and we also concept
and actually and uh so i think be used as the results that are uh
as and the concept dependent
not what we mean that we have been T one map each concept yeah
the reason yeah uh
the reason is that is probably that they are
concept to a reasonable is what about the
and uh is lacking in a way that may not be fine you may be
used for all the training they are but doesn't be
no information on that
for remote uh
we also tried if this is a expander with size to recycle one thousand and
so uh if we start with an initial dictionary of size and the baseline would
be seven time
and uh
if we do this by well uh times eight times the usual size no side
but then we see that we stiff at least in once and see that they
want to the set and so um this process all the side uh also might
not see what was it should be which are with the same size
so that we can say that can set can see that the performance of concept
maybe the concept which what position is reasonable or
a number of concept which
which are very difficult which are
the whole so that they use yeah uh the performance
but uh yeah but there is a plan that the simple point T is the
and a real so i what happens with that is one possibility is to the
constraint so that is one which i don't think it's to uh
dictionaries which on the next and this did not be such a good a yeah
actually uh i one should not be in each one thousand we increase performance but
if we see that the size of the initial dictionary then we see that the
performance is
so these the that again we have a problem at that uh the data constraint
we possibly is
we were and we decided not which a given
so i
oh we apply and they are images which is you can say so they are
yeah to what we do not can say yes they are at the moment so
we see so you can say the entropy minimization and will be selected is we
assign tdictionary side be if the initial dictionary size yeah it is not uh well
we get a simple remote or at what will be goals of this is what
surfaces on the unlabeled data and just doesn't uh doesn't you who uh the detection
and i know the way you get this is a fine you once white and
white at the same generic size and we look at another way to be you
should not be size will make the performance and this is because the dictionary size
side of each other and then back to classify data
and so the experiment here is to uh
but uh the uh the size which would be used
and what we can see here is that um
we have been outside between them in two thousand and uh is not size
and so uh two times whatever B and C the homeless and we will start
position the last see that we consider two D space and
should be a very small be easy
yeah attention this is what we are using the size of the dictionary reduces the
complexity of the classifier
which is an important step to the
so and uh it is a victory for the study which is related information
selection of the
oh this it should be of the same size is almost always one outside the
same performance uh this is the key which is the people and so we have
here the two that uh full set but five it's an efficient to balance the
complexity into
in the detection
thank you
um well complexity is so we can be uh actually at least one
well just space which i got an X is a painting
oh yes and the distance is actually the prediction in what you're getting
oh the keypoints oh we decided using uh let's motion detection
it's the basic uh is that that's detection
so it was found out
yes you away i see the result would be very similar
because be used with the change uh the number of is well see
we use the space but we would need as many where we present the same
we don't see that the result
there are C
is a simple formula
look at the process
we also
they are continuous it's
it's not a distance
okay but it needs quite simple
it's a very simple
that all possible uh that would be the question you see section
think about that but uh
also the point is that you uh
the issue is balance the distance that the state space you will be
uh so you see that
the distance
the disk space is um
this is why initial okay
uh i know two