hello everyone
we're going to be talking about tracker
i'm not sure if you already know about it
and it's not on the more that and this is how do not so we
have a problem a german company providing consulting on but for the C services
and we are one of the backup of the target developers
we have been working target in the last years
doesn't mike
so we have some of the target developers
we have been working target for the for the past years and in our company
we also have the maintenance target which is the one doing the releases is martin
so let's see
would be talking about are care about the sparkle maybe
mainly sorry and this is like a beginner's book an introduction to sparkle have to
use it and that some of things you can do it okay
so what is second to business started structures college it's been don't know with differently
mormons the maybe once a target store which is the real idea of storage i
exposes some sparkle interface called applications even both to sara and internal applications although there
is another part of that which is the mind of us just the one that
the team or call your file system again unless information from the files and getting
that information which at the drugstore and that's where the real database let's say that
the real sport then you will have your application started talking to practise would be
less we have only practise park library that can use because for did right period
and if it's a little bit here to do you use that that's just the
as a database
so in fact that
information is just want a cigarette
so you might in the ground you we don't have tables liking playing skill databases
what you have is about this is we don't we thought the objects and you
have a it just well like connecting the different but this is which of the
this is obvious for the one familiar with it
when you when you said they didn't tracker
what you really i do you are you mainly do insert people's of data people's
of data which are split in subject predicate and object
something object doubled that's a about this as objects of the database and the project
the very content ages that those really the properties so you have an object of
property and the value of the property which is also an object the didn't
and now we compare some example we will go for the slides
looking at really see the simple examples this tool social and you can just start
learning how sparkle works
and first one is that in sept example since i've been an elementary just about
passing a set of tables when you have the subject the
the actual property and the value of the property in this case we could you
know information an object which is kind of genetic kind of object only a button
different kind of properties with different kind of bodies
in this case it's people it's
so by the by the about at the end and you don't need the last
lot in the last table that's popular you can put it if you want and
this is completed people into this next one which is
it's just or meet in the subject of the of its trouble people and that
using centre going to separate
we might in terms of the people's identity all share the same subject you can
do this and that's what we usually do for
so it's a
if we
we have got we already have that we already have examples in this files a
yes create it
should be said on here
somebody asking so the
this element that it's set here with three properties
so in something that adamantly just seven people that you want to do the second
that should be
when you clearly in the storage you will be using the selector where you words
which are mainly us in sql with the difference that you're working with that's here
so you don't play with tables and come to the table you really playing with
graphs so the select course
that you to find the data to be we don't know what close but you
to find the minimal graph it's a you put a set of conditions and the
minimum draft to define all the conditions that the drop but you're going to get
we don't and for that we use name variables with the a question much time
which i as place holders and it was a close and ask actors the like
i don't know what feels
and we have a simple example here we he we will be shooting the key
eight or of the results what we just did that before
as you can see that we can place them that body able in whatever base
we want here we have what we need to the object others you have to
was a become place it also in the subject i mean that in the probably
so we can just
on the second example i'm using minus you because we are updating now of the
you suggest minus F
that we just jury liked it also a bit in this kind of curious it's
really simple you just need to know what you need to create that one of
them most difficult things and that's what we're going to focus afterwards with your vote
somebody followed one example
really good you know the problem is one of an object now we play the
viable not only in that in that
but also in the pretty good so we had in the values and the properties
of you can opt so we will look at all of them
it's run it
and that you go so we have the basic probably that we said when we
could the element of you'll we also get some of the of this which other
what we needed to buy a truck i was
and it and things like that
because if you all elements with a kid also instead of we got also on
the body able in the something itself so as you can see you can are
really P you can put it whatever you want and make it as complex as
you want and this case we will be jury an old the elements which have
disappeared the property
which that would be
quite a lot because of the end
we have all the resources K that they talk about the twenty minor first of
all the find that you have so those are all the people of you want
and you see and that's that the last one is the one that we have
and then that we have been selecting minimal droplets a when use able different well
closes you what you're saying it's you're selecting lots of them out of the graph
to return but we what we can do as well is to would feel doesn't
have done by data so that you can for example let's say you can competitions
you can do something matching you can fill this can apply are gonna buy arbitrary
restrictions on the content and we are next example salty so this is the same
here that we have before you all the to all the basically it does not
do we are all the resources with a basically the property in the scale it
what we're going to do is to of filter it so that we are only
going to get those are starting with the sting making
this year that applies to the whole body
so if we have a longer string and you this example is with the starts
with filter you would be looking for values that start with the kingston the horse
think should start with that turn of information
and we
right now instead of this whole list of things
we should get
they have the one that we that we want to look for computer is just
i quite handy to use but there
sometimes very slow for some possible things that you want
for much
for much fast search what we have is if this
so at this is the full text search
that it's a building contractor you can actually the same we did you know needed
it consumes more resources more things knowledge and sepia process
but then they are very it's very useful it's about you something so we have
the S instead of life interest for example this start with is that was applied
to the start of the force thing which is the value you can apply filters
to specific words so that is more works at one level five this will pass
the hosting in two different words and then apply
the condition that you're busting to a specific what for example at is that you
play with for example you can ask for let me
guinea resources where at one of the bodies has a word starting with it too
or more complex things like give me is also where the value has this war
and this war but not this war so you can have an or not process
indefinitely as much as
and it gives you a lot of i want to do
like for the subject which is i think that you would you with have
and we can see
so we will be what it sure
it is this thing that be a so we were looking for
bye rules where there was awards that we with it to and actually to results
the previous one is attempt i don't have a book so it's all it's a
lot of some
and we also have a for one
so that's a lot
basic introduction course but we want to
okay i will talk more about the ontologies
well so
and don't i
well it
we try to
we have trying to extract the ontology the concept of ontology here because well it's
very important at work with a stick to track their i think
so basically we trying to put it in a down to
to some common time say many of us know we already from simple or whatever
so didn't on the is mainly a an asset of the ski months for
for the date that contains interact there
it separated by the main something that which said try to focus on a specific
since a battery A S
things you
very specific things says that she's such as context or
emails or whatever so it's not just you know right they tie it price to
redefine everything in a farther a number but to the
a set of data which is comprehensive and very detailed
and one very important thing is that it's defined the same time stand think itself
so given pull you it's actually loaded into the target but at least it's a
set of rifles
such as the late that within so we before
and these all you had some properties can be of redefine farther and
and how we did
in order to create a more specific in combinations of some property or whatever for
example with it B C also man creator property it's
very basic one it's
dublin core one what
first of all i should be so windy
how we query the schema night names basis and then
egg get to learn a really
the best you could see in the queries before and there was a very long
prefix for every property on the sats that's well mostly the finishing from
from how the than the whole R B F works but well be it's all
abstract it into be simple mostly three letter prefixes which you can use on your
what is and makes the that where you say and everything more white more readable
and it's one focuses on very specific artisans that
so it
here's a basic list of well that an application developers would be more most interested
so we get that most basic data types and the basic definition of resources some
properties as you can see and on top of that and you
a start create in and more specific sets of a test sets us back so
right since the which to apply to and what documents for me D R what
the other and you have contacts which to specify
everything all around the contact
and then you have files of course there's a there's a whole minor i interacted
with a price distract everything out of your home
and then that's got and there's and we comedienne and it's and whatever so
so and
the basic they that and
finds the
the basic relationships and then of all on this all the risky must say those
basic properties are defined even farther
and then and it made something
right to make something coherent out of the most basic date that which is send
as comprehensive of course us
as the most
the find the data
for example and we can
yes i set the with director all the ontologies and all this is scheme us
are defined to all on the sparkle it's a so we can actually wear them
through and sparkle
so you have a or B and we have us resource side
as we have when it here
it's one of the basic
all gets it the most basic of yet say in drug are in a simple
you and most of the things actually inherit from that
so this could be the definition
of the of these of yet in the ontology so you can actually worry
weights and of that the types
and as you can see that there's this long prefix with a results to the
those longer prefix is
i've been so when
and it basically comes with a description of the
of the object itself and
and a few more i'd maybe the that the may need to belongs to and
i would say that be this or
all that information it's actually defined in the ontology
so you can actually get to worry
so many things because well a sweetheart display and i about the sparkling that in
that where everything is that right
you can actually and
well you can actually connect to those notes on the sat so we can worry
actually wary there that they hire T of obvious
within don't W
here we are actually asking for every stuff plus of
every up as resource everybody looks up lots of that
what we have here is
every object in day in the ontology that's and that's us of glass it's out
of rbm best resource which is basically anything in darker
we can see that there's plenty of the of those and we can see there's
also a very this
source assessing well related the message into to media or whatever
can be
you using
uses but well okay you can actually get to pick a on all the entire
hierarchy of obvious and how they have to find it
respect to real
so here we can see for example
here we can see and white some many of yets in the ontology quits and
the second column would be then that the object it in her it's from
so well a thing is that
introduce a being that
i can wrap of notes a you can
documentation and that's a very nice documentation but it's a white splat
for example here
if you bill right there and with the
with the right flax seed you get to see the dental your friends but this
is very flat then there are so many feels so in this way you can
actually get to be and yourself the on the on the ontology and how it's
defined rather than looking for some lace on somebody's the for that the right property
you're looking for and the sets
and with it talking about top units but and then there's the properties which established
have relationship between does opiates for example well you can have that document
i do and also are but the else or could be collaborate or would be
that means i'll for up to be so these properties that are also subject to
you know everything's and
and therefore the right definition
so for example here we are going to peak on every property of a of
a resource that and that many because this is the basic opiate
and this is that in the list of properties defined on then are be offencive
resource itself but you can of course pretty
whatever and then and she also or and that would be a not yet would
define a full name and maybe an email address and maybe and
all there for the field with the fine
which can result do a person
and these
of course
first part well you can also get to find a every
every property which is in the domain of any object
so this is would be able relax sporty because we are actually waiting for
every property on every of yet but you get to see that we like
we didn't know
so your and we can see
the list of properties set and we can see at the sell the property to
encourage from and of course well the thing evidences in is a white saying that
see and nothing's going to change widely on the supply a nasa property
that's the you can also get to wary of course you know get their related
to and that's so in this is
this can be a best way to do to get to pick on the ontology
and then
and how is the better defined
and then here
we to get to
with this example we could get i then there are the of properties
and of course you will also feel there or specify farther whatever
you in the example or whatever so you can also people and on the smaller
pieces i'm trying to so in a
that and we were fine
he we are for example
every probably and
which is also property and something those for example i don't know these the first
much would be they that i told you that you can assign on a on
a document which is also lots of
i feel a which is
has no that's meant to any of
or on the second
example you can have a well i know what's
what so it's whatever this is that it on the third one content last modified
think it place the files
and but it's for the recognition of the of the second one so the second
one is a support plus of modified a state or
or at the creation date about document or whatever
so you can see that the properties that can be fine farther and depending on
the on the context
they are used on
well and that's mainly minutes passed this time i
so this is not a little tool to let you a i we don't to
spend you to learn about all these like with this example because i know about
like how problem and sometimes about if you want to learn more you can just
play with and apply them we don't yourself on spend some time trying to understand
what about it example last and it should be i would like to stop or
not have to use programs part
and what
maybe what we try to
the point we try to make as well this is that was a controller D
can be very last resource
but and you can actually that will it use might be say use in the
right tools
not having if you go to the documentation as i said you can be maybe
have it's the
maybe disappointing for these doctors and that's but it's a week right in many ways
to improve the documentation there's no sets easy way so well
that the roads would like to thank you all
it felt a bit more on
getting to know what's right there is and how that the places thought and help
and you wait and
and it be useful
okay so
a questions here
can you still your in schemas
at there's basic support for that you that you that base
but you that there
well a right there yet about that so make it is the like for to
see if you use trucker you have to stick make practically promote radical one of
you have to stick to whatever schema so they're usually restore your levitation they don't
have a if it's not like a generic which can be sure to about complications
it doesn't make conditions are right here so why would use are installed you let's
skip because the schemas another cannot express
what i'm trying to store
anyway it's a regular then make right
and i don't want to hijack a questions habits for example here in this list
more that way then
that was below ever example we have some that's them support for always simple which
is what's meant what this
so well the we have no problem within your abilities interactive right but
thing is that a suspect in the that based on your state is not to
it's something that you can see you one that
so that's
so really question is so you have a query and it gives me market a
bunch of results
these are nice almost trigger supports the one of are learn new elements
the full in be school that query or some of those are removed
gonna get that in a in a notification bases some twenty to query retirement will
be is between the two results that was something about that
we well we have an a emphasise in all fall on this page on that
we could there's plenty of resources of a tractor and there's some examples have a
that i can buy
with a
a one
if it's going to take too long maybe
we can take this
you know and we actually examples about that okay you don't i just one it's
you can do it there's at least some minor support it you there's actually some
properties don't you could buy a property
i would actually that's it's a set also property on
something it's so you those a get specific with the database and you can wear
it so those there's also property so it's not like the case okay properties you
can get the case itself select it's all of that scene so is not okay
yes so and my last question is don't you think that trucker will benefit
from having like more vertical you guys first as well up
so that you know have to do these park will yourself so like i can
kinda really because i think for a long time would been trying to push trucker
to developers but it's
is the right to hopefully application developer to use we do see we in it
seems to me there is way too low in the start and there's nothing in
the middle it in it depends on be
that's what am i would say right
so it's like real and yes it makes a lot of sense because that's the
kind of right level of integration they wanna and they it's a very nice thing
for us it's will about this to displaying anything about that people use it right
so i guess it's also very difficult thing i think that a provide library like
a very generic library for i'll set of don't that's why i mean they have
to be vertical now we have to have like a very specific proposed just trucker
remember long and a way we could get more people using it i think i
think a thing there is that
thanks at the white to see okay it'll aim out of necessity S
no one about sports right so those things not really not i was summary a
question is not definitively a benefit to the project it's not like i'm asking you
to do it that more like small i feel like for a long time we've
been trying to push this and i'm not sure everybody gets it for based on
the reason is sparkles we can find ways to hide it for very specific consider
it or very specific no you know i want no i possible
you mentioned the in the beginning it's clear grasp the so restricted data to call
but i think using S Q i just the store back and so does that
mean you're do some kind of mapping it to make it the relation of the
road like some old it or can you talk a bit about so
all the storage works O you know well i think it's that's a well
simple light your is anything like they said is that as a basis highly to
normalise and so we it
could be made as possible but it's not really one for double
be a
it's every table this break it might well also
a top you know so basic
itself is not the best system
you might actually
okay sits there and it specific recent to use muscular button to use features
or could you something more those are just to annoy it first hand and we
focused on what i a because of a space and say well we also
work a lot harder to make it work
and so we must be
white thirdly we
souls to focus mainly on simple like a the beginning is that was that so
we don't rely the cygwin like that maybe a yes but you know
that well so that there's no
hard and then is maybe
and my question is more on the architectural trucker and in particular and the doctor
store is it supposed to be a persistent store or just the replicating that it's
this is elsewhere because it start right now and not cash which can be cleaned
out quite a i'm skipping plug-in so is it suppose the application story not that
there are also have on people's activity minor that where you only clearance
i don't think should be we who by the
okay well
dot caches clean up automatically if you are full space
so if you
and i mean you should move that elsewhere you expected to be persistent
well that's an interesting question that well
should be persistent are used database anyway i mean
but in the same way
on the other hand there's
also i feel things that
make it works at for your application this to get some data so for example
the full text that thing and what we have to it's torque that
for example but we pretty process it we try to remove the spaces so it's
not are really one copy of a date that you a application you might have
a case
it's more meant for service a and actually like it
and sorry
so you guys are storing stuff and sequel i and it's a very like a
triple store which is
really a bad idea for sickle like but
the state is like mostly metadata and things that are being updated all the time
and i assume therefore they're variable length fields and sickle like
which means you're gonna result in a huge amount of fragmentation in your sickle like
data store is there anything that's being done to clean up that fragmentation is there
anything that's being done to keep the memory used by the application in the page
table cash whimsical light down
and additionally is there any
work being done to keep track of the amount of power this is consuming my
laptop like how much battery have i lost by having track and stuff
for about everything that we tried oracle was that we tried to the
so whatever you would and how do you shop on the computer clearly a
target that i can not control stuff
one think is right guy is a minor that i system either
i've actually knows the miners not too bad in terms of churning C P U
but i mean if i have a time enabled and i have files of change
for those getting and i know if i call back and then
and is that data than being updated in sequel i am too polite is not
very good about overwriting date and place
which means you do churn through a lot of yes
and you know the way the filesystems laid out of trying to do the stuff
did you a space
and you know terrible
that we had anything specific and you got into there will any option to be
perhaps repairs simple light at some point
with something custom written for this that i got an actual triple store
but is there is there any opportunity to replace equal light with something that's an
actual triple store
there should be a there's a lot of good but that's a you know a
some but
we had people come
about that the target something like suggested be is it is but well this one
isn't that what records that
those times when really suitable at the that so
okay but there is about performance and that's it that's obviously waste is that you
have so you would
you don't see well or with the sparkle
so it that
that is also performances with so what is that could be made faster but also
are mostly about
with do in the way ready in that way that that's that
or whatever
okay i guess might as a user the thing i would like to see most
is from release to release
information on power consumption filling something like power top data something that's telling us like
this power gain power consumption going up released really stores are going down
because as it is now it's taking too much power
like that's my battery life by like third
okay we'll talk about that
and it
okay so thank you