okay thank you can be and

so i was quite surprised i was trying some people that you know some project

i was working on a mentioned i maintained is attacked the other day and you

know half the people in the group actually said i use easy tag i didn't

realise use the maintainer so who is the information of what is it's an audio

file tag like you know when used to get your M P three files medically

server and used to be able crappy with attacks and everything is something where you

can tell you about it's really all application of the specimen in two thousand we

display one buys you room for the and he to get job maintain until two

thousand may well

he became you know a lot of other things to do an didn't really do

much of that time there there's can see which is you know but also patches

lots and lots of uses quite surprising you know "'cause" moderate which you are anything

that he didn't keep it in a version control system there was no get business

up version that wasn't even C V S it was just travels that he dumped

every now and again

based on source forge side awkward to contribute to not really a nice bike track

are also stuff

so some of the people you know use this and actually fill that help out

it was kind of rejuvenated a little bit and late two thousand and ten that

was a republican get have some good patches played in that work and distributions of


and that was a release also wasn't very much you know few patches here and

that nothing major

that was some good discussions so the main this someone can abilities case we what

was people asking for that was a mac us export let the good stuff happening

but the maintain is didn't really know much about the project they kind of

can barely make a release they didn't really understand all to do you know it

was it didn't really what

so i came along and so picked up doing the each case people stepped how

old the old stuff you know with stepped out all of the all dependencies so

depend on the latest you to the whole quite a lot tighter but it occurred

your the build system all the horrible and took or that actually patches up really

maintaining for ages match those

and then you release to promote right

alongside make a new release midgets and all because it's wages to contributed and it's

also is in my opinion you know we moved about solar everything so i think

so and they have very for doing a lack and andrei for doing the bugger

stuff segmenting this that's great

got again way will contributions

little patches medicines massive amounts of people looking pretty good i'm menu website the translations

are also like we were really start with translations are really quality ones i had

people you know german guys coming up to me and saying is translations not we

get the name translation guys really high quality translations think very much about

there are a few annoying licensing things like usual event if will be to and

it was a G P L application that in P few and it will be

to is and libraries size that was licensing about that you know so i had

to get rid of that the guy for debian have in the past to get

stripped out and use time and sets of much that it was using

live and you want to three which can potentially decayed mp3 so that wasn't shipment

for dora so we have to get rid of that as well and if you're

bound help with that this is really cool with much total this number support which

was never there before so that's great all the firewire and everything that was horrible

that was using like public stuff and a really nasty way so it's thank you

see file and things how to few summer okay students who are helping to pull

things you see file sort of finally modernising the could a software been so languishing


fixed lies of memory leaks it's now basically valiantly

not quite a but pretty good

current state where we can see a very well still looking let the horrible that's

it still it and finally it is get application i did actually suggest on the

main is that i was gonna make this display three only in take it runs

of lazily features but

they complained

i know that they complain i was easy settings as well i finally convinced people

that maybe it was an okay idea

let's most of planned when this package things been requested a lot

if you wanna help please do and this last think well is very guys that

i already think mostly in the tall and sleeveless

so next ones going to be see change

our about of and boring i think that writing libraries and by that's a good


it's getting better now you just write applications and rather

actually the latest application and or does endorse

hello so what did we do in boxes loans since last year's kodak be introduced

it that was the first product we introduced this project into if you still don't

know what it is contact you know explain everything to you

if i'm in a good mood so what have been doing well relaxing


well actually mark on the didn't catch any fish in the trip and he looks

pretty system will giving and some more lights


that's all

okay now we did some more

actually a lot of our a lot of work went into a lot of hours

fixing all the bugs it's it was a very fragile application glottic at least the

last year but now it's very robust it's very much more efficient there's a lot


you know you i fix is the you i didn't look as much like the

you i mock ups as it does now it's a lot more similar and it's

that therefore it's a lot more friendlier and looks much better and as you know

every detail matters

so those bugs and all these stability fixes they were the most important thing and

that's what we concentrated most on

apart from fixes we have some new features to search it what within boxes and

in a shell you're gonna search your ubms the anywhere anytime you want you have

a federal box just right for door and then you hit enter

more customization options these are this is that you are few examples i think there

are some more options we do that too we had to do this since all

the or distillation of us place we didn't and these drivers which means that now

you can have water resolution and when you install the box you just the resolution

changes automatically in the V M and you don't need to do much and copy

and paste between host and yes that's a very useful thing and everybody wants that

so we have that you know out of the box

you have your direction you have a use we device you want to use it

inside your em so we allow that and we have options for that you can

enable individually which devices you want to share with your that actually it's not sharing

but you say that you want the V M to use it rather than the

host and then you can disable for each device separately

smart cards i'm not so familiar with this part because it's comes from a spice

for free for us and there's some particular kind of smart cards that we support

and we don't support all of them marc andre snorting so i guess i'm right

over support re finally have this chris talked was working on it for a lot

and he has is still working on that making improving it a lot and if

you have a all worked up and set up some very or you have access

to it from your work you can now access all your boxes by just giving

the U R L that and you will get older machines

options bosnians more product logos you can see and how it is good is to

our docks team

and i recently also added image import so you have some other okay we hands

where you have an image and you just take that then imported although it in

image doesn't to tell us all the information that we need for a for we

and so it might not work correctly or it might work it's up to the

image like which architecture and all that but we are working more on that and

we'll have support you import and export of ian's from more toolbox and then

member and all these you i so

import or export


that's all

thank you jan so next going to be like to make the very long way

from tokyo to run like "'em" to but

but no

as they job he actually works on replacing the pantheon other infant libraries

but he's probably going to talk about something it's

i a sort who mine but we knew this

this talk with the quick up little bit when you get text

as you know get text cz to help real guys programs that's qualisys over two

parts that i read about on to spot and a as a most of people

know it is a really

it has a very long history

in that i ready about it provides basic functions to create straws initials from database

nothing goes get fixed and you get they just you get text

on but

basically and this libraries not the unnecessary or when you linux systems because

those functions a must go into the main when you T V C

and in on the outside that tools a still necessary to

extract transitions from source code and also money be at the database files such as

your files so i'm all right

i as i think you know get text has a baby roman history it has

a beam probe also

eighteen several on


it had to be maintained by bring hyper for two areas

and he lastly actually became easy and i happen to take will but maintenance

and there i used to buy shows and

directives buzzer wasn't used or

last months

and it has some with this for

we don't program us

the main improvements well

zero point eighteen point three is new programming grantees sampled it has now sampled for

G D K be the and javascript and the do on about a on the

also it's has sampled for by some three what is the syntax for want a

risk the syntax for want strings sampled


here is that example

with our greatest it fixed we chat

real party ski because

confusing steering seen that you know especially there's on the also we can use unique

will escapes

in source code


it's also

it's not also sampled bar on so

now we can use smart multi line strings in source code on it can be

extract it into P O files and easy utterance if it

and also it has some portal bichsel so you will not the strings


we use

pretext are formants the rings

for us officials but we can use well the last scene tax all want strings


and some

tutors provided by get fixed can chicks

so it has of the

well what the strings


we also have save our feast has brand and currently we don't have a sampled

for you called escape scenes see on fire so recently by gets in you go

escapes so we need to out that

on also there are some ideas xing round she's


and also we have as a

well closing we don't project

so many other things to do

so socks


next going to be in a big from bungalow

everyone minute be drawn and i'm here to talk about using system but manage well


so and not associated system in any way except for being the user but i

really like the massive clean up the system didn't brought to the system itself and

actually users is that

so i mean there's all these features and that's all well documented to be able

to a to know more about if you can look at layers but post about

these i've been talking about

this how we can use these in the users yourself

so now the users itself has that seem requirement as a system you have so

is it starting up i need to manage we had the starting up properly or

what but it's you order there in and are we keeping track of how they

are doing

so you don't like this and so i don't as it

you don and of remote quite a not right what happens is that

this subtle differences between the two mostly because of X but also because of everything

everybody around gnome session and nice decision it's to so the first i'll talk about

a couple of things are different

on one of them is of them and results so we do not for instance

have any pi defines

for the president users that so we can't is that you can decide when of

us so it's a started based upon that be at five if you have it

be the service which likewise i mean on the bus is fine you just wait

for that in your dot but and for a lot of them if you don't

get places it's you use if you have a bit a startup once

and they don't care what that and the minimize obsessively it's fine i mean you

will get some religion or what is what you can eventually

but for some you do get

for also audio forms or and for give us or cell

one of these just you can the others

it's after the next

and so for plus one you and give us once you have a fixed part

you can do is okay recognition and it's not a properly so this is what

are usable socket looks like if you were sort of system be

what for X we have this

and that's dependent upon the display variable we spend the fee vd and that is

to be found over system do before starting X or started by excellent figured out

to do so that's kind of tricky and the way to fix that is by

making excuse also look at inside it wouldn't be a is a but that's like

the previous one

so there's a lot of other problems like this and all and what is working

on that right now i'm here is of figure the stuff out and then you

know more or you don't

that's talk about some of the features which will get for decision once this happens

so first of all this eclipse we get uses control you'll be able to use

firefox and actually got look over in be it's a G five and not have

advisable more usable you have and then you that for five is rebounding your head

wondering what i to don't know life the second thing is weeklies right now we

need have a very limited time and not really a part of your law decision

with this can be able to have

the united G D bus id settings and other things which are part of normal

so works on the media's that you'd have display you that believers available you have

a acquisition available all those things decided i you have session my really bugging so

you can figure out which so this is a starting up which are services are

running right now what has crashed why isn't evolution what can right now all this

distinguishes that right now and you can even figure out it depends a great figure

out which is which is a session with services taking was not and using startup

you login so you will be able to figure that out and will get more

results in getting possible contains

so combined with this and the fact that system the a system that's what recognition

the i'd evacuation laws that by the startup also together we would save up like

these i guess half the time i don't know i don't have to try to

say because it is that you work it

but we'll see how that would be all right and that thank you


next going to be we actually as

she's I O P B R O P W income prague know aren't venture doesn't

work we're going to norm stuff she designs part process for living

hi i'm a i'm a typeface designer and i'm also it will be W intern

working on norms you i found kinda and even though i'm giving an internal i

think talk tomorrow i thought it would be nice to show you guys some of

the improvements that you can expect in the font in the next couple of months

i will mostly be focusing on the improvements descriptive language support but i thought i'd

so you some general improvements which would make some people happy

so i'm going to the entire had to set of the phones looking at each

and every cliffs and seeing if anything looks bad so in the next couple of

months you can expect most clunky shapes

things which don't look like to look right

i well before i started my internship that a lot of criticism about kind to

those bald we had more particularly the fact that it was much wider than the

regular and it looked in some cases nothing like the regular so there's gonna be

able which is practically brand new it's

narrow it looks much more like

the regular so if you look at the look is give for instance

at the top and the bottom it sort of different because there's a slight space

in the middle which for some reason the original didn't have if you look at

the lowercase E you could see that the first shape is kind of ugly which

is being improved

so there's something like that but more importantly there is gonna be some improvements to

language and script support

well so i think that work with the doing a small sort of V such

projects but i like that

those sort of top sixty of the dot sixty like know how do i see

this all so i looked at how normalising localised and the sixty languages which have

the maximum percentage of localisation already done i sort of sat down and so which

cat it does they are required to be you know used on screen and then

looked at which characters existed in the font and which ones were missing and the

attempt is gonna be to try and add all those characters to the form and

whatever i'm not able to do that i hope to five some extremely detail about

so that leader if someone wants to add let's see vietnamese support you know exactly

which creates they need to add and so there's no sort of you know well

he didn't miss that you want to do vietnamese but you miss five kids

the next thing is much better

of support for extended lot and less

which means that well it soon as i can get an "'cause" working on font

forge there will be a different set of diacritics for uppercase and lowercase letters which

will harmonise much better with them of also you know make sure that the diacritics

are hanging at the like this from the let us so if you look at

the look is are in the before image the palm ability doesn't sit weighted should

so making sure all of that is perfect in all the diacritics actually look nice

the next thing i will work on it is us is really even though can

to data has syria like support its kind of patchy and the quality of lives

at least i felt was really not up to scratch also you see a lot

of that does i mean actually a large part of the characters that has been

completely redrawn to make sure that not only are that lives better looking but there

is better research about what it's cliff should look like

and if all goes well and i worked really hard there should also be greek

supported can to data by the time i finish my internship

and in general i hope that in all the work that i do of that

is a whole lot of research that goes in then the typeface you have in

the end is good so you know if you look at

the latin cyrillic and greek scripts they all look not the similar but there are

the letters onto the identical so you can expect things to be

you know really well researched and make sure that each script looks like the way

it should

so thank you and if you have any ideas any feedback on the front there

is a high fest on monday and i love to hear from you


so next as don't store could be currently living and we don't know

probably not drawings or string for too much doesn't roll


sorry i'm gonna have a short hard we demo so maybe all people pray to

the hardly calls

for a moment well the get set up


okay hi so i would can vienna is a biologist and we do behavioural experiments

and an important part of doing visual behaviour experiments is understanding and the latency and

the time characteristics of the animals that are on drugs and it is

and so latency is measured in an experiment car contains line see from the display

driver from the windowing system the way that you're rendering and from the hydrant monitor


assuming we're running prefix offer an idea stop compute and we can minimise the first

three or to we can we still have the problem of that great variability and

latencies and monitors

so to me show the latency the component of the total latency that was and

you know it by the monitor doing whatever image processing it's doing we created a

simple little hardware widget and some open source software to do that and i would

just trying to do it here but just give me a moment and the motivation

is to it's selfish it's for our purposes because of with building equipment the requires

buying you know twelve monitors we wanna trying by the ones with the lowest latency

that we can

so the point of creating this tool was to create it so others can use

it and they can taste the latency of monitors they are in and by the

way weeks the project is and everything else as well and then hopefully and when

it's finished you can could submit this to some sort of database if you wish

and then way selfishly could query that in by the my monitor with the lowest

latency it's slightly faster than what we currently do which is going in to all

the electronics shops plugging it in measuring the latency ourselves

step because to hardware goals

also unstable upon to

and when was the last time the and you speaker driver crash for anyone that's


is be serial port i mean

this one

so when you run the software what you see is basically there's a flashing black

and white our panel at the top so we major black white black transitions all

we use black what like transitions to mission latency

and you simply take your hardware which has a photo diode and some signal processing

running on board and how it up to the screen

and wait a while

if it isn't right

that's fine right


lower level than that

you know a show me come simulators wanna see not grace "'cause" was working twelve

seconds ago

is everything

once again

alright so this is not gonna cooperate but essentially you

you all the sorted right up to the selection panel and you get a single

number latencies timit and we're also recording like the precise shape of the rising and

falling age and so that's kind of useful for us like as well but is

useful to our user and you just get a single latency number might twenty four

milliseconds if you've got a good monitor or forty milliseconds or if you go to

bed monitor so sort interesting if you wanna build one the really simple if you

wanna see it actually work i'm can see me in person but check out the

website thanks a lot

thanks don't for showing as far like the most of that idea

next going to be adam doesn't admit that you were touch upon because it's got

was responsible for the last financial crisis

right so i am item not a typeface designer but i'll show you how to

create a gnome logo font

so what do you need you create unique your logo in this case you can

get stick non look different are grown brenda kind and we decide

you can take it with inks capes or and i did inform forge and directly

after you imported you create your problem that you can then use with your application

of choice and if you want to do some funky stuff then you can also

create a method post version of it that piece do it it's so this is

how it looks like it's one for just a you import your logo and scale

a streak it i just about of the cliff

once we created to have fond you can preview time all different types of points

that we have

but only three lines of code you can exchangeable appliance in your attention process of

your choice

so you have your nice know votes as bullet points you can use it in

deeper office presentation or document and with mid post you can create to funky animations

but counters page count as or just cutouts for example to go for the of

your bitmap picture

and the five sound get top if you have any suggestions improvements just any email

me you can try out the font or just create your own logo font

that's all thanks

thanks adam next going to be mitch is going to freestyle which means those flights

exactly i didn't bother hi i'm i image from to get projects so you have

to listen to me

so the topic of the talk is a how to port the main

image display expose callback from the old to you can wait the to you could

to way to it that you can frame dropping to because we ate

and the underlying problem is that what do you do in your exposed ten term

and you have something to render that is really hard and expensive to produce like

you can possibly do it and every frame so you have a buffer you cash

the stuff that's easy someone's you have to buy for you can displayed instantly but

what do you do if you don't have to buffer yet so if you have

to it suggest to catch problem like

if they say there are only two hard things it's naming and cash innovation at

that disk exactly cash innovation here

so what we did in G T K to risk into we had an idle

callback that would just go over this you which part for that is invalid and

validated rectangle by rectangle and after each rectangle it would just expose it and because

i will hand there was running at a slightly slower priority then the G D

K expo centre this should would automatically regulate itself so after each and if you

would in validation of your you which image cash the expo centre would run one

which just flashed a stuff to screen so and i thought you know that's very

easy so i just go ahead and for this idols thing to adjudicate frame clock

callback very easy super easy trivial tried that

to me about an hour and it worked immediately but at a strange thing that

it just was super slow so if you have an image like this from your

you which digital camera in C D K tool disk into it would like validate

liked this and in C D case read would like

slow and

the fact this year and counting the number of rectangles it was doing and of

course at sixty frames per second i had hundreds of hundreds of rectangles and that's

what was just wondering so what is going on here so i thought sure and

each of these rectangles is validated much a faster than in the sixties of the

second which is

fifty milliseconds or what was it again so something like that so i thought i

just measure the time that i have in one take

and pre calculate how many of my small the rectangles i can render so

and have if you look at the G D K frame plot api it has

a lot of stuff as predicted time and predicted presentation time and whatnot and i

was kind of going mad and consulted on and he together we added like a

ton of print absent a cheetah came in searching for the problem and in the

end it turned on that was all on the completely wrong track because you kind

of possibly expect your expensive

cash construction function to run in the tick callback because the T callback should just

run as fast as possible you have to use the time between the takes

and move your construction load of your

well you cast construction function into the idol

and so i did that so the entire topic i want to talk about is

completely white and would because i'm not using the T callback at all so my

liking talk fails i had to do it differently but i can assure you that

if you have to construct something

expensive don't do it in that a callback do it in the time between the

takes and few and i do that is that the lower priority than she dekai

parody redraw and do it there in small chunks and once

that a callback comes it will flash but you have entered so far so

i think that's about it thanks


it's going to be that the who is part of the local organising team

that organised this conference so maybe special ploughs we all

thank you so i additionally i know slides but i am we show you some


so let me

should be what the implement data or with the and it you know three point


this part of normal help or non documentation for end users

it this

get it's not the videos

which are made by a cooper steiner and i the actual content or that subtitles

and packages into well known getting started looks package

so this is all ending screen for though for the getting started

videos or tutorial

which you can see a then you of any finish setting up don't know system

if norm initial setup

there's also one in the really over the place


looks like this

you know like this version

this is example of music but well it's muted know

basically shows you have to

an application z-norm shown which is probably

holes interesting topic to users vastly channel from other environments like well like a environments

so going back to this guide we have some pretty probably most important topics you


and you click a thumbnail it's place a video in a and i've been the

whole build a video you can see subtitles

i think shoes things that you can see in the video store in the stop

light us build the video or and died in the yelp of in though with

translatable so the external whilst on that

to link we have been known which is ideas tool and

get text

so just a quick look at the markup for the landing page

me be here we imply man dull sorry here we have the thumbnails for videos

hear it can see the subtitles detection was things

we also use not conditionals to show different version to users and running a stand

out know show and users running an show they've got signal the extensions

and all this is in the in the signal single version all the whole of

the package

now let me

show you something for from though i perspective

yes i mention we make use of well implementation of the i yes and that

made by W pretty

see so this implement facials made by shown like hands

for the know but for males but from basically

it allows you to specify context and then so this commands

an actual strings then you need to

i why i would get thanks marching a little stings in different places into single

place no translation file

so for example

in the guide we have a couple of S E G files and chuck will

actually show in the L

for example than on the big problem a lot of pictures basically this is your

final exam take shows things like the activities are the name username and all these

are translatable

because we put them in S P G and make them

and look like not information

so when we have for example be which stands for tuesday and thursday we have

a problem because there is this basis can't translate

it so we implement the will look not at the good you know i'm and

and that way

we can easily made the content

i again friendly so i think that's about it



next but not last skate to be right talking about it couple editor

break i'm sorry

sorry i'm a plan to still kind of time and the most gonna go for

my that

okay i guess us

so we this is a project i've been working on the last year or so

but sort of part time as ways

i'm a graphics guy and serve kind of what's on kind of all levels of

the start really as ways of work from sort of silicon enabling for G P

A is up to sort of kernel driver development open G L driver better i

three toolkits and windows is and stuff helped us with class a lot and currently

maintain the couple

three gpu graphics api

it is time working on there is you are technologies i've kind of had this

mounting feeling i suppose of

the fact that we tightly waste is really flexible a gpu hardware this in all

of our what about consumer devices finds out tablets and laptop somewhat know and

been wanting to try and see what we can do to try and take a

different approach maybe to take better advantage of the hardware as well is that i've

being for to fortunate enough to work in an office where there are visual design

is colocated with engine is and

seen the process by which

design is come up with their ideas using one set of tools and there is

this big impedance mismatch in translation problem in then communicating well they one and actually

engineering not ring onto a

onto a device

so something i'm really interested in is trying to improve that what fly between design

as an engine is

this is the approach that we basically taking here is to

well we learning a lot on where was stealing ideas basically from the game developers

actually because these guys are facing so many the same issues as you are developers

they do a much better job of using the gpu than compared to you are

design as and so

with building a you why rendering engine essentially which is shared between a visual design

tool and something that's gonna be deployed another vice


the actual visual design process is gonna be constrained by the actual capabilities about technology

and it's

so there they can so that what is that you show there is the idea

you can also connect this visual design environment to a device that represents a devices

connected of the network which should be sitting on the desk of the visual designer

while they work and

they connect it and as soon as they make changes to the animations in such

things then they should be have to get immediate feedback by picking up that phone

and actually playing around with the responsiveness and performance of what they're working on because

there's no subsidy for testing your ideas

actually on the hardware that you're intending to deploy your interface on

so we're trying to optimise that whole work flow

right from the very beginning waste are actually prototyping and

so you and as it as it being a kind of game engine approach

we do

for practical reasons have to leverage algorithms and ideas come gently from rendering photo realistic

scene so you'll see that we're using that the field so the things further from

the viewer look softer and we've got shadows here in inside the idea this is

show you have popping up the notifications in the thing this most recent is

most prominently that is clearer


that's kind of our practicality because the

researching G P R reasons takes time we have to be extracted so in the

future we were and we'd be interested in researching the non photo realistic stylised the

uses of the G P as well

such as painterly kind of making something that

is painted with an oil

with a little pain so schedule it will go kinds of

interesting things but

basically this gives the tools so this it you would certainly enable you to shoot

yourself in the for in terms of the

pretty horrific design if you tried to you know look like of a and a

massive three D user interface see if you went overboard but i think with the


the judgement have a good design i think that

okay so i'm out that but that gives you gives you an idea of what

we're trying it and this is on get up to is ugly up their one

or such reagan or just come an estimate you're interested in



next going to be for the recover who no longer has a big idiot page

because he's not can so that significant anymore

it was deleted because

how do according to be a lack of not ability or something more


are what can see if the time and this thing works


five minutes okay

so these days i am a

can everybody read that

or should i should i make it bigger

is it this they sent me tomboy called change eclipse


so we just the cost is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth

century she died in two thousand and six unfortunately

i've been trying to read all of her over

and let me talk a bit about that the first book she wrote children you

got she was born in scranton pennsylvania but she move to new york city up

and she was like a teenager i think the first actually wrote which everyone should


what's called a dash

and we life

of grey and marry and

fumbles i mean see peace

that the death and life of great american cities and it's like the first book

on orbit need some

that you should read it's probably the last one you will ever need to read

if you're interested in why C Ts work

why some cities work why some C D's don't buy something surplus into living by

some six or not this is a book you should read people to have who

have been following me it might belong will know that i'm a big fan of

christopher alexander

i hope it's a relax on the road the geometrical mathematical aspects of

well designed places jane jacobs wrote about the social aspects you know what's the purpose

of the sidewalk

it's not just to let you go from the street to the shop on the

other side of the street it lets you keep people safe when people can watch

them at so it's a it's a very interesting book

after this but jane jacobs wrote a few others one a very good one is

called the economy of C D's

well if i keep writing i'm gonna over on my time and the next one

was called economy of C D's

and holding to research on are gonna some topics she started thinking well how com

there are countries right and countries are seat is how come there even though you

might think of a country as rich like the united states

why does the united states have very rich see this and very pour C D's

or any other country you know

so she by at the other ring a lot of evidence like connect that the

latest evidence from newspapers and economical economics papers and this and that she was able

to figure out that

cities that allow for small scale commerce and production to happen in them

are the ones that gets richer over time and i don't just mean reach are

in and in a monetary sense

but also in the sense of people being skilled people being civil to each other

so it's a very interesting book

the next book is called citizen the wealth of nations

and it explores why the traditional ideas from like adam smith and young that john

games or kind of i don't know how to pronounce that


why those ideas of macroeconomics don't really work in the real world micron about macroeconomics

as it is this big abstraction that doesn't really working the fine details

so should for that down

and shorten you economic theory based on actual evidence from the real world and it's

basically an expansion of his previous work and it's very interesting many years later

when we had a lot more knowledge about the origins of life and ecology and

biology and this and that

she rewrote air economic theory in terms of

ecological terms what's ecology is the movement of nutrients

in the living world or the movement of nutrients and energy you know and it

turns out that it works exactly the same as economies working see this

amount of time

so you're telling me my phone different role

okay and the one of the other books you wrote this call systems of survival

and is able can reading right now it's about

how come the commercial system

or people who do commerce or production of goods like we do they have a

completely different moral system from governments and guardian type things and it's a very interesting

thing i think this book allows most explain why ugly known got very productive

at some station and right now i think we don't think it is getting a

bit territorial and it should not do that

i think the this because explains that and what i mean

thank you

ran out of juice


last for today is going to be and this of course up talking about stuff

that no one of us one street


so i see a room full of people who care about their privacy who care


service we treat them right and the data ownership but will you actually reads the

terms of service when you sign up for web service

okay really so i wanna talk to you guys because we doing this little project

called the terms of service didn't read because that's what we do read we see

a new service and it online service we signed up for it and there's this

little checkbox i've read and agree to the terms service check it and so not

okay so no one actually reads them which is kind of a problem because what

these terms actually say is most of the times a not what we know what

we like or what we want so this is an initiative to rates or you

read we actually read the terms and then rate them on a and a to

E scale like from green to red

just like the european washing machine label for instance

so we have a browser add on for instance which automatically puts the rating in

the in the browser so we have some we have some ratings already so there


i will friends and so let me let me zoom in or something can you

see that okay or

so goal is classy us like average you do this class the other let's see

what youtube is wrong there's lots of thumbs down there so we so we rate

based on paragraph so we so we

or based on sentences are based on specific criteria so data retention for instance or

if they can just delete your account or if when you delete your account they

don't and keep your data

and so for instance you to the copyright license is broader than necessary which might

not be a very good for you if you're if you your you're doing videos

professionally or something a similar thing for five hundred pixels for instance or to fit

pick you probably heard about the what was it the hudson river folder thing where

the hudson river plane crash there was the first folder of it taken was uploaded

to or it was treated i which means it was uploaded with pick and then

to a there was a copyright compared which would take on it so the original

owner didn't on it anymore or the original takers the photo and that's kind of

a problem i think do you agree

that's what i wanna hear okay so yet fit biggest classy it's like the worst

rated so far we have doctor go for instance its class a because it doesn't

have tracking i it's not open source though it's that's also kind of a problem

but that's a different issue

because we thought like there are open source services but these are the service people

use so we need to rate them

and so we have some more there's some which aren't rated yet we have some

points like your face but we have

some data points so

so if it looks like it's gonna be a classy probably also


we're very small team only working part time on that we're completely nonprofits we recently

collected donations and are working certainly working on it but we need more especially low

expertise working on that and just people wanna read from the service also you i

guess and you and maybe there was someone who wants to me it's terms i

wanna talk to you and have you on the mailing list and contribute to that


we just want to help people who i mean not everyone can read the term

the service it's just like a an unbearable and delusion of text like the right

fun fact the i choose turns service are longer than that so gives you like

an idea of the scale so

so it is the website and i so i really recommend like just installing the

browser add on it will show a rating like the a small i can next

to the next of the thingy next endeavour spar and you will know this is

a class a or D service and you know thank