0:00:13well thank you very much of the organisers for inviting me to this and a of your interest in
0:00:19this smart red
0:00:21i from the national institute of standards and technology in the united states
0:00:24and i wanna talk about some of the
0:00:27aspects of this smart read from my organisational set
0:00:32there are a lot of different pieces that need to be put in place for the smart grid work we
0:00:36just heard some about some of the economic considerations of but
0:00:40but there is huge this is a huge working infrastructure structure
0:00:43and as such it as many different components and pieces and i of describe some parts of the standards yeah
0:00:49and the measurements to support a smart
0:00:52a general of already heard some introduction towards the economics of this smart grid
0:00:58more generally the smart grid is a modernisation of the electorate
0:01:03and what we're doing is
0:01:04pointing in advanced communications
0:01:07in this traditional infrastructure
0:01:09and where to enable some of these uh benefit some of which were described in the previous time
0:01:15more generally were looking for two way flow of electricity and information
0:01:20with a more resilient
0:01:24part of this is that since it is such a large system involves so many different players
0:01:29all of the different parts the system need to know
0:01:32what the communication protocols are what the schemes are the economics schemes the expected behaviours within this very large system
0:01:41as such
0:01:42standards and the one point to standards here talking about document terry standards form a a strong for of what
0:01:48is needed
0:01:50the smart
0:01:53so this is a brief introduction i'm gonna focus most my talk an accelerating smart grid standards and then get
0:01:58to some of the measurements that we're doing to support this
0:02:03you're a few things about the north american red
0:02:06uh i in L sense i don't want to go into detail here but
0:02:10the important part is that it's a very complicated system
0:02:13and it's not just complicated from a technology point of view it's also complicated from a political and regulatory point
0:02:20there many different electric utilities
0:02:23some are investor around utilities some are world clock were two
0:02:27so there is a whole host
0:02:29of size
0:02:30scales capabilities within the system
0:02:33there are in the us there's many different states worldwide there are many different regulatory agencies that govern
0:02:39uh lectures city uh a a a generation use
0:02:44the other thing to point out from an economics to follow on the economics point of view is that
0:02:49we have a a very large capital intensive
0:02:54where there is investment in generating capacity and transmission
0:02:59that is
0:03:00scaled to meet the P the me
0:03:03so basically you are paying for a lot of infrastructure
0:03:06all the time
0:03:08even when the load on the system is much lower
0:03:12we can be more efficient and i really drives some price uh uh benefits
0:03:18if are able to operate closer to those march
0:03:22with the need to move to renewable energy
0:03:25we're gonna need to have a system that's is able to respond quicker when we and turns on and off
0:03:30once solar is available and it's not
0:03:32all of the use things will lead us work
0:03:34closer to that a peak
0:03:36a T
0:03:37and hopefully do it in such a way that will be able to
0:03:41reap the benefits without having to do a whole extra load of and my
0:03:47on the other hand the entire system needs modernisation so this is
0:03:51a system that is going to have investment anyway
0:03:54there is a a huge you trillions of dollars worth of investment that's needed both and us and role
0:04:01in the U S are the smart grid is a a a us national priority uh we have the support
0:04:06of all of the upper level politicians
0:04:08and and also the U S
0:04:10energy policy is starts from the energy independence and security act which gave nist my institution a actually role
0:04:18of already talked a lot about some of the drivers i'm gonna skip of this as well as this this
0:04:23just kind of shows the level of variability of when this is what we have to be able to have
0:04:27the communications and place to help again
0:04:31we also the previous speaker much electric vehicles
0:04:34electric vehicles can both be a positive or a negative
0:04:38potentially good for
0:04:39the environment
0:04:41however if people come home and at the end of the day all choose to charge their electric vehicles at
0:04:47the same time
0:04:49this of actually add to the peak demand and and make things were
0:04:53if through communications we can get people to charge in the middle of the night
0:04:58then it averages out the overall load and makes things better
0:05:04this points out like communications and so port
0:05:06without communication you'll probably end up with this
0:05:09with a communications and control of the charging a one
0:05:12have a much better stay
0:05:15to give an example the complexity of standards just looking at the electric vehicle application
0:05:20these are some of the standards there needed
0:05:23for and and and
0:05:26interoperability solution
0:05:28we have electric vehicles
0:05:30so you have everything from the details of the standards that govern the electric vehicles
0:05:35the details of the standards the cover how the utilities organise their space
0:05:39standards in the us S uh for for for me are slightly different then then you're up which relies an
0:05:44I E C standard
0:05:46airs also safety applications the work about and then there's communication
0:05:50there's a whole host of various standards that need to work together
0:05:54and that's the hard part here is that all these standard organisations
0:05:57have traditionally worked around their own little part of the problem
0:06:02the trick is to get them to coordinate and work across the boundaries with each other to create the and
0:06:08and application
0:06:10that's for we um an for the national to the standards and technology so we are a non regulatory agency
0:06:15in the nine states department of commerce
0:06:18we were quite closely with industry academia and government
0:06:21in in this particular case we have a role both of the standards as well as the measurements to support
0:06:28the are a key aspect of the U S policy
0:06:31this particular act is what gives
0:06:34the instructions to the us government to look to the private sector first
0:06:39for how we set stand
0:06:41this is an aspect where we're different than the european
0:06:44uh way of doing things as well as others are the world
0:06:47we were much more on the private sector and a whole host of standards about one organisations instead of pushing
0:06:53things through and dates to the standards organisation
0:06:57it also direct the federal government to purchase to pay and they are the possibilities uh and and the technical
0:07:03committees for example of over four hundred of the staff at my institution
0:07:07or involved at technical committees working on standards one sort or another
0:07:12in addition it direct my institution to coordinate the federal government's use of state
0:07:18so the federal government can be a driver for these standards
0:07:22were to look to the private sector first
0:07:26and that is exactly what was uh uh called out you know much more visible role within this energy independence
0:07:32and security act which is kind of the underlying
0:07:34smart grid a policy fitting i states
0:07:38it gave us the role of
0:07:39who mating the development of a framework
0:07:42to achieve interoperability of smart grid systems and device
0:07:46so in essence that's are
0:07:48coordinate make development means that we're not working in a vacuum of working with others
0:07:53framework means that we have to imagine how this whole system is going to work together and look at all
0:07:58the different parts of it
0:08:00and we also need to make sure that these standards are
0:08:03flexible uniform and technology needs
0:08:08if you look in the investment this made in the smart grid is pretty substantial
0:08:11recently the department of energy put in three point four billion
0:08:15in as well as that's as a matched by by industry in this process
0:08:20so it's a rather large investment in smart grid across the us similar investments are being made across the world
0:08:27if you look at united states walls
0:08:30smart red
0:08:31were here were working on the thing enters piece of it but lead agency in the U as department of
0:08:37but a similar to most you know agencies around the world there are a whole host of players everyone from
0:08:42the communications side the regulators enter
0:08:46i of energy
0:08:47all have to work together
0:08:49and in addition you have regulation that occurs at the state level
0:08:53that men at the most of the important regulation for the details of the distribution system a at the state
0:08:59so all of these folks need to work well together and four
0:09:04what we did when we receive this responsibility was that we set up a a rather large are for to
0:09:10help to organise the community
0:09:13the important part here was that we had a traditional industry the power industry which
0:09:18had yeah interacted as much as it should of with the I T for
0:09:22with the communications folks with all the other parts of the smart
0:09:27and it was
0:09:27or ability to in essence act as a convener or and have a series of workshops and get all of
0:09:33the different standards about organisations and different engineers and scientists interest in this problem
0:09:39altogether together
0:09:40to talk three what that needs were
0:09:42and you help develop an initial roadmap map for where we needed to go
0:09:48in addition we realise that you know nist doing a lot of the heavy lifting at this first stage
0:09:52was it going to be sufficient we really needed a process that we hearing on for were you know more
0:09:59consistent way over time
0:10:02so we set up a smart grid interoperability panel which consist of over six hundred and fifty organisations
0:10:09that have a role to play in the smart
0:10:12and we also realise that standards a weren't sufficient you also needed in the end to have testing and certification
0:10:18to be able to
0:10:19i and sure that the other the products that were coming out will eventually meet what that the uh this
0:10:24this the state to perform
0:10:28and and show polish develop this road map and framework
0:10:33i'll make a a a a no here this particular website
0:10:36all of the stuff that we have done is in the public domain and it's available for anyone's use
0:10:42so this get you access not knowing to everything that nist is done but also the smart grid interoperability panel
0:10:48and all of this is available for use by ieee and others in various parts of the community of picked
0:10:55up the frame in its elements
0:10:57and are further developing thing
0:11:00so we set out a a smart grid vision and model we identify key standard
0:11:05it wasn't enough to figure out what the standards were it was also important to figure out where the problems
0:11:10were and then make progress to meet those needs
0:11:13so we put together priority action plans which were targeted efforts up an involving more than one standard about an
0:11:19organisation to solve a a
0:11:21standards yeah
0:11:23in addition cyber security was exceptionally important for this whole process with that a whole working group on it which
0:11:29is developed a guidelines
0:11:31and we're currently working on a revision to this frame
0:11:34so this of the frame mark that you'll see if you go to the website
0:11:38there's also this work
0:11:40in a release to revision which is also available for people to look at with the smart grid interoperability
0:11:48but upper level point of view
0:11:50this kind of describes the entire smart mark you of the traditional our system
0:11:54that needs to have a communications which are shown in blue with all of these different actors
0:11:59so this kind help to set the
0:12:03who needs to talk with home
0:12:05and then from those communication you can figure out what are the protocols that are needed to support smart grid
0:12:12it a listing of all of the priority action plans that we have the target specific names
0:12:18as should point out that were
0:12:20i uh uh a lying on international standards for us an essence the entire world is moving to use mark
0:12:27reds and the various companies want to sell to a global market
0:12:31relying on international standards helps that globalisation
0:12:34and and supports the uh the ability of all of the different regions of the world to develop their smart
0:12:41there's a little bit more about the smart grid interoperability panel
0:12:44a the important part
0:12:46here to notice is that
0:12:47uh we're doing
0:12:49a lot of requirements
0:12:50and working with the stairs but one organisations so the actual sting enters of developed in the C a development
0:12:56organisation such as ieee and i E C and others
0:13:00we're helping to organise what goes into that and target them and try to accelerate prague
0:13:06we also do a lot with but web based participation is living get were wide participation
0:13:11we do a lot through tell a conferences and web meeting
0:13:14uh this is an international group we have a large uh international participation from various countries and the world such
0:13:21as japan korea
0:13:22state read from china
0:13:24all of this stairs but one organisations we have a very strong international component to the stuff
0:13:30here are some of the stakeholder categories this is how will organised to this particular entity and this kind of
0:13:36points out what i was saying all of the different types of entities that have a role to play in
0:13:41the smart red
0:13:42we're providing of forum for them all to get together and discuss the hard issue
0:13:47here's the organisation it's a structured group that has both standing committees as well as particular priority action
0:13:55and as domain expert working groups and a has some functions to help to prove its operation
0:14:00putting import we there's a governing board
0:14:03that is selected from these different categories that hops over oversee the entire process of this market not ability
0:14:10this is where a lot of the decisions are are my
0:14:14here some of the key committee
0:14:17here or some of the efforts that we've have that have been confirmed completed by the governing board so of
0:14:22make great progress over last couple years
0:14:26here's one in particular energy usage information so if you look at
0:14:30issues that are facing the consumer
0:14:33the consumer wants to have more information about their energy use and then be able to
0:14:38uh use that energy used to change their behaviour
0:14:43we need to put in place some rough structures on the energy usage to try to have consistency across process
0:14:49system there's a lot of different applications that we use energy usage information
0:14:54and this helps to
0:14:55develop a standard which is already done now with the north american energy standards board
0:15:00which set the data model for this nugget of energy information that can then be used by all the other
0:15:06groups to have consist
0:15:09i mentioned here as spoke organisation here's some of the uh the government to government interactions that are going on
0:15:14as well as the various works of the stairs about one organisations
0:15:18as an ieee a group a should point out that we have a strong connection with the P twenty thirty
0:15:24there's also um the international smart reaction network
0:15:28is a an uh which is a strong international law a push to um
0:15:34to help to accelerate the development and deployment of a lecture rooms
0:15:38smart right
0:15:40then then to to to kind of finish up i'm just gonna whizz through very quickly some technical capabilities on
0:15:46the measurements side
0:15:48i just to give you a taste of the kinds of things that were able to do from a technology
0:15:52point of
0:15:54so if you look at this domain diagram here all the different places that we have efforts on research
0:16:00i mean a focus in on just a couple
0:16:02in here a little bit later about phasor measurement units
0:16:06one of the things that nist has done is put together a
0:16:09calibration service
0:16:11for these units basically these give you a snapshot of the grid the state of the
0:16:17can like an E K G for the for
0:16:20by working on both the standards as well as test beds were able to
0:16:25uh put together a testing program to sit
0:16:27for the deployment of these that these units
0:16:31yeah we're working very closely with the various standards organisations to improve
0:16:36in addition we do a lot with building automation and control
0:16:39and for example one of the things that we're doing right now is developing an net zero energy residence
0:16:45and some of the action will be and looking at the communications
0:16:48between the grid and
0:16:52looking at a ways to to improve that
0:16:55more generally there's a need for data management this is where this community can come in and help with there's
0:17:01all sorts of things that we need with real data
0:17:04you're are just a few of the new computational applications we're gonna see forecasting load
0:17:09variable generation
0:17:11a lot more situational awareness and data management there's a lot of data involved
0:17:15and also a eventually getting to the point a control
0:17:19so with that'll conclude here's my contact information if you'd like to uh ask any further questions
0:17:25and perhaps we have a time for for
0:18:17i think there's room for innovation in particularly in the uh a part that faces the consider
0:18:23so the parts
0:18:24dealing with demand response
0:18:26and things that the commune or
0:18:28the consumer is going to need
0:18:31kind of summarised and understood to see how they can then act the information
0:18:37there's also a fair amount that goes on within the utility space there's lots of
0:18:41parts that have to communicate with each other
0:18:45most of that is you point out there is as regulatory aspect that can sometimes it feels like you're walking
0:18:50through molasses
0:18:53the trick is to simplify things
0:18:56and do all that technical details stuff underneath but you have to simplify it in layers and layers because in
0:19:02the and
0:19:03you're talking with regulators the don't understand
0:19:06very much of the technical D
0:19:09and so the make progress on the parts that
0:19:11impact regulation really takes a different skill set
0:19:15so in essence we need the work
0:19:17of the technology developers but then we also need the ability to interact with the right
0:19:29okay just a smart grid need smart customers
0:19:32yes and no
0:19:33uh i
0:19:34if we're gonna reliance smart customers a wait for a long time
0:19:38um however
0:19:39we were we can do is get the customers that's for that they need to basically set there
0:19:45um preferences and then a automated systems then respond to this and
0:19:52in essence we're gonna need
0:19:53smart consumers who are able to buy the V C R's
0:19:56but we need as V C R to automatically program that solves so they're not flashing with the the day
0:20:03thing but of course were with D V hours now but
0:20:07so so in S and some other needs to be a lot to make it simple for the can