Data selection and calibration issues in automatic language recognition – investigation with BUT-AGNITIO NIST LRE 2009 system

SESSION 9: Language recognition – general and data

Přidáno: 14. 7. 2010 11:08, Autor: Zdenek Jancik, Oldrich Plchot (Brno University of Technology), Niko Brümmer (Agnitio), Lukas Burget, Ondrej Glembek, Valiantsina Hubeika, Martin Karafiat, Pavel Matejka, Tomas Mikolov (Brno University of Technology), Albert Strasheim (Agnitio), Jan "Honza" Cernocky (Brno University of Technology), Délka: 0:26:26

This paper summarizes the BUT-AGNITIO system for NIST Language recognition evaluation 2009. The post-evaluation analysis aimed mainly at improving the quality of the data (fixing language label problems and detecting overlapping speakers in the training and development sets) and investigation of different compositions of the development set. The paper further investigates into JFA-based acoustic system and reports results for new SVM-PCA systems going beyond BUT-Agnitio original NIST LRE 2009 submission. All results are presented on evaluation data from NIST LRE 2009 task.

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Audio stopa: MP3 [9.07 MB], 0:26:26