my colleague this can be a few slides us to return we have
of you have experience
signal for by the ct signal for
i procedure people languages
if you later on the people with the ubm thing confine ourselves here
oh we started
the tool in to be a poorly
you that you have tested speaker recognition
as a function of the number of P as the tech
we continue the discussions
no on the boat and in the flyers
i hope that you can bring that this
a great memory of
singapore is it can also evenly
or the C experiences
between for this is that we have a permanent website a speaker of this you
don't column which is a common website
is a special the speaker special interest group on
speaker and language characterization you want to get up to date information and in fact
this website also the support of the keeps or the policy proceedings if you are
interested you want to point people you dev
completely space
and is
but i just and many people so
well the conference can only be also can be as good as the people who
will make it
so first of all the same
or you for coming to singapore
i think you will trust trusting me to run to see that
oh thank you all
what i invite the or a local in a if you are in this room
to stand out
a priest
so i have a
before well i've with someone else but the future conferences
i know that
many of you told me that a lattice with this example in now i create
an excuse for a view to compare yeah
a interspeech twenty fourteen would be in singapore
and i think you K
if you have your best papers please keep it for the event
do something to other kaufmann's
so we will be in a september the middle september of twenty forty
and i would be ubm in the convention centre the convention centre the city in
it is very high
which you basically used
and i guess what's the next all this you would be whatever the all this
so i on behalf of the S P L C completely i'm gonna do that
you know that you would be in
you also think that
so no i
no i five
and thinking
thank you have to
so i one speaker will be speaking on S everybody's
without that is this process
and i would like to thank also invited me to
we're gonna so this is will be a great honour because every inch of the
that is the conferences
so the locus in a frame around here
i think we might be able to most speaker recognition group in the one i'm
not sure but then you
more of the state
and here are the typical stuff that you find in finland so that there are
about five million people and about so between two and one half million sounds
so you can find we have combinations of some since we don't everywhere
and we have
sometimes cool weather and this couple of lakes
does it also is a
low-complexity with the everything you know the radius of one kilometre
so it is relatively easy to
so there
and there are if you manage to find yourself the way to helsinki there are
many is in your of innocence
then it's easy to come by floods are trained from that can also recently from
barely in this domain
there is a direct connection
and we have part of the unit with the feast and finland school of computing
and the this and the university one of the biggest ones in finland
so it's a cost function of two years ago about joining university one
the group you want so
and this is a lot of them
i think that is working in a space
so it's me and then propose a second a he's more on the image processing
now it is
and then the there are a couple of us actually are in the audience so
there is below the monkey
that is the right
process and channel
who will be probably taking part in this practical organisations either
so we had a difficult time to think about what time should we organised this
conference so
so of course it's not well something completely orthogonal to the last system
how about doing it in february is also
and i think of speaker window
so this problem that is that there is a lot of doing simple and you
can basically
three or that you're in italy
but that is used anyway to have it in
well known whether so this is the proposed on june two thousand fourteen
that was the end of june probably
assuming it so that is a pretty long distance of the sound doesn't massive also
for the system is able to twenty dollars
the length of the data
and it's a very reluctantly okay whether except those what we're last week in the
summer school might disagree if we had a bit of but what we further
generally tolerable and that this the close to the midsummer festival in finland like we
went this
one for it was
so it looks a couple of pictures
again different some of the some things
and there is we also have a running options some
right these
and yeah why don't so there is a common it's are excellent for acting on
having by something like this paper so that it does
so that's it welcome variance of
okay all thank you