alright i think it's the time to get started


welcome to fail in

so you also and welcome to the set of

i'm making and i a chair of to dataset and

about the present a couple of things about the

the conference so

we're going to have this them

also some like music at the at the opening followed by so complicity not so

we go


by now you all have reached a different so if you look at the world


of finland we are pretty much not and arctic circle is passed improvement

and possibly we have the


not in place to do speaker recognition stuff here

i'm not totally sure but it would be a good guess

if we look but also where we also you want to is in the

is there but the filament

about that seventy kilometres from the russian border and very close to the is that

are most point of the european union which is gonna elements e around this

apart and

this is the us complete freedom or so we have lots of lots of like

the likes in this region

and the signature of this it is this river here maybe some of you have


i went to want to see to see the remote

so small piece of finis


so you okay is a finished what meaning rebar

and you one is the channel to perform

of the river

it's of a thriller

okay and so literally means a model

so when you combine these two it missed amount of the river

so meaning this the kind of

and then of the river to the we also look alike but they're

or if you want to be very literal would also mean that modest two

and very this is that you want so composed of the university of is different

so that this is actually university that most one couple of years ago by

merging the universe this of you want to work we'll

so we have two main campuses that actually one hundred fifty kilometres apart from its

other so it can system uses every now and then with the pitching and

results but we're doing fun so far i think

and this building right here is the mathematics and physics departments a few others here

and actually the computer science used to be also we're

and it is really one or unstressed the same time to be have because the

very same room here i took my introduction to computer science

cars twenty years ago roughly so

no opening a conference


so some of you already have been asking but this means that we also in

the conference on this

maybe some of you have even click does not lie on the on the bit

rates so

a so

as far as we know they're out there is only just once a table at


market place

so no need to worry about this one

and the and the meeting is

abruptly that okay in finland the

rural areas

well all roughly everything that is not helsinki is a referred to as the cecilia

work order

something like a faraway that so that's the meaning of this of the cp has

taken this

notion that we think that the

okay so let me go the term

for the settings so

we had to submitted papers and at from which the for the six where x

of that in the end

and six the reject that and one withdrawn and the acceptance rate is around and

ninety percent which is in line with the some of the only reduces pretty much

and one of the things highlighting here is that

i was told what the organising committee members of the okay to make use would

be prepared for b

this is that the reviewers are not going to be nice they're going to get

delayed with the reviews they're not going to respond to your remote standard can do

since the report so maybe you can

prepared for press reviews and somehow i wanted to

i don't like press review so i wanted to make so that we have enough

previous to get started with so for most papers we also and five reviewer some

sometimes even six reviewers for paper

and what turned out that the reviewers actually most of your probably in this room

do not very nice and did everything as expected so we have

for most of the paper we have had quite reviewers to give the comments on

for all the papers at least for reviewers

some papers even seven

review records and

locally two hundred sixty three reports and about one of the cement applied basis of

written text so

i have actually numbers in my soul this amount of detailed comments what you guys

have been writing here so

that's really great

so here so

picture that would be selling and of a mobile phones and maybe some kind of

averaging apply our kernel

actually this is the

paper submissions as a function of the day

so there is this

as well if there is expressly only guys at the generally like one month too


and then the guys that the following the expected pattern

at be picking out because a deadline exactly on that day and then these guys

will want to fix a couple of phones and

their pdf output and

so that this one because we are small conference so this is a the impersonator

lead to the


and here is another perhaps so

it's a non-negative function minimum one maximum a twenty six

so perhaps it's a temperate so if you want so in two

well could be but actually is that how the reviewers have been sending them


so again we have this abnormally ugly but only birds

and then peaking apply okay so that line a couple of late comers and then

also separately be i-vector talents are used for which we needed we had a different


and so this the later be so that

and for you could recently here is the number distribution of the regular nationality so

it's very international majority coming from you know this that singapore czech republic

and other countries

okay and

if we look at the program of this week so we have for this of

what is that

and in a technical program we had one to have a that we cannot speakers

it regular systems and one

but also some

and then i'm going to talk after a while about the source elements

and this you can find this

posterior outside of the room

you can say what is happening next in the technical program

and so the key notes so i'm very happy that we have a very high

quality you know it's clear

so two of them was sitting trendier different role


really leading experts in this the specific topics indicated here so

so can police talking about forensics after this opening

and i think about speech intelligibility and some adventure about the missing learning aspects of

let scales learning

so and

about the social programs so what we're going to do not implement something very finished

doing so

we have and to have the sound i think i have mentioned this in the

in the last minute the ml so it's not compulsory but recommended one let's say

it's between wanting to brian similar a dishonour

so that practical not okay we also going to have a simplified in our ilp

welcome results on

so this is going to be a mix on a so you will have to

bring your a swimming suit and tell from the hotel

so you have that some princess sometime after of the post office and i'm between

this one

and in terms of the transportation so it's about

three four kilometres from here the slide

so you can either go by bicycle

for which there is the registration separate registration desk outside or maybe have already indicated

this or you can go by bus so in the run is

this one with the bicycling is subject to the weather how it looks like

later in the bit

let's see

on the more details will be given about that one in the afternoon

and okay tools that we are going to have the conference i get that the

young so city hall

but in the early nineteen hundreds and the

and wednesday

we are going to in the morning we have the i-vector nist i-vector space l


after which we go for almost fully explore some to only national park which is

about seventy kilometres from here

and this is off and

aside that has been as channel landscape of three months so

in the old and sit it used to be

giving is verizon to the upper weights and the composers including champs admittance of values

for instance

and the artists

i know what is the risky steering results and it's a nice outdoor

area and the thumb you actually but you can also see throughout the of the

conference on this what manner

so we're going to have some outdoor i mean you can you can go hiking

or you can take for the press so we have a couple of options out

there and

later in the evening we're going to have a

dinner and grooves on this like that your song here


perhaps as a motive it that way to what is sometimes very finished thing


okay those from present an utterance and so any guesses for how many people the

right agreement

okay good

five i had five one four

how many legs

and the other guesses

okay two hundred dollars is that would appear once the about

one hundred

it is seven doesn't

okay and the number of sound as maybe more

so bright

well not input one but not lead so

two million

so putting this together we have us sound intensity so that every three persons has

that their own some not so it's basically everywhere

and when we have kids meal and the goddess on a my

a grant but of a father costas on a so it's very anything very healthy

nice and will help you to get rid of don't set like also so this


i think contact here can witness that

that it works



i've just given the conference i think and it to what the body further by

explaining this how also from a machine learning point of view


basically we have two states we have eighty degrees celsius on a and about sixteen

degrees celsius like water

this and we are conducting between the states so we stopped quickly

i one seven

and then generally we expect some repressing

like water

okay and then we maximize the good feeling by going back to some


so and

so no i mean up to you are

couple of minutes i mean in this like maybe a couple of seconds or whatever

you prepare


of course

you can also initialized with the like if you want and convergence in about five

to one to five iterations are based on experience

depending on the number of drinks you are going to have so


and of course we have some missed guys and about the measurement guys here

but this biting so it's important to benchmark everything so i can observe that they

the sound about the like has been tested by over psd students so it's a

common entrance exam innocent procedure you know what group so right-hemisphere taking and

a swimming in to like about money seventeen

degrees outside or something like this and also in the much two thousand fourteen we

had a specific a special interest group called i spectral channels

to address this again with the

including one presents around the right maybe it's not

well see that's

it's working

okay so then people behind the conference

of course this

i participated many conferences and of a real estimates but there is behind on organising

one so

i should think firstly the organising committee members

most of you who are here

on the giving

all was finally answers and very good advice on how to how to make things

work in helping with the paper selection and almost every anything to do with the

so i'm to be content so it's been

plus their

to learn from you

and here is the very long list of the reviewers where i think that one

and seventy five pages of text so

thanks for all of you

and then for the local organizing team so we had a good number of people

doing stuff so

first of all pass a friendly cultural of this step was helping to


keep all of us in the shuttle and helping with the web pages and basically

chairing the social program so he's been

drawing a ideas for that one

and orally is the person who has been without whom i would have been that

long time ago so she has been helping with the budgeting

but the social program the details and even go looking copy today the

throughout the conference

and also was something with the conference system came with the registration

and roadways the guy behind all the graphical works you can see her including the


and ability was something with a known this the proceedings a summary

with a ridiculous and system and taking for the graphs

the during this conference on the side with the booklet

and then in addition we have a

number of people on the right hand side we have been helping with the

a year or log on to help us during this workshop so including sure audio


with the in it is initiator of this whole or the setting i understood so

not checked here


of course conference with output what response is nothing so and i'm very glad to

see but we have a wide spectrum of different nationalities on different people here

from different countries so

it's very nice

and of course team

we need some sponsoring to organise conferences so

it this compress has been supported what if interest finis learns aside this you nearest

if you on so support phonebased and

international speech communication also this and ninety collects conference

and well here's

maybe a reason to celebrate this year because we have a twenty years anniversary actually

so there are not at this

all and

i in like a

newcomer one i think nick as much of what is the one that i first

up and it doesn't it and i've been coming

every time after that so it has been it's very one or to be able


run this new on my

on our set

okay so that's almost what i wanted to say so

i'm going to and got my boring

powerpoint stuff and we have and to have some like music

again in a very

international sense so magical over here is so japanese player playing finis to understand something

else with the controller which is the an so now the nist national instruments string

instruments and with the

very unique and colourful tone people you will hear how the sense so

with this but i have nothing else to say except that welcome to finland

welcome to chose down and welcome to reduce the two thousand fourteen to use in

speaker recognition

thank you