alright so i won't be talking long here a couple of
and the words so
i hope you have a all injured this week it's been very fun
actually for me at least and hopefully
either gone of the two
so that a couple of a practical information so some of you have asked about
whether we have any kind of get together after the recess severest be unofficial part
if you are staying over the weekend of the mighty also
those would like put one can go to a bar play and of the rest
those right combined if it's a wooden house in the in the centre nice pile
a roughly seven o'clock on what so it of look so it's a bit for
and tomorrow is the a midsummer eve and know there is a pretty soon and
you want to
have this big one for your you one that's got caught in finnish
which is at the no yucky also my about one kilometre from here and there
will like this big one fire around eleven o'clock in the evening so of that
but that is a must place the havoc rings on in so this atmosphere if
the weather is
okay so what we have that c this week
so couple of from them pictures from the payments here
so i hope everyone was converting you know with the so on other humans
dancing and
and some more pictures from yesterday
actually so you know we would like to
no give a couple of awards and times a little this small presents for the
kind of a person's here so
so first we are going to give something to the keynote speakers so we have
a hybrid i think we're pretty much so tried all the typical finish their of
the present like to
so no and
forest and everything
so some of you have lost during the social program but it's a vector that
finland is a famous for heavy metal music so that's true so we don't have
a heavy metal concert
but what we're going to do of we are going to give "'em" no of
one or a local band which is frames in finland and europe might wish c
d with the q not
and also some kind of
very strains black drink that this bound selected was like an svm so some people
like it and some people don't like it but we are able to be gi
not open minded and we'll try
but this one is so it's a completely dark like
colourful eager and there's like a cough syrup so i think this but whether this
because been supporting for that kind of idea
so place a circle summary
and martin come here
all right and then we have two more similar what's the goal so actually we
have best paper award and best student paper about and knowable don't the affordable same
okay thanks to me so
well you have a sitting here it mainly some way that would soundly
you know line of mildest a marathon running and i was in at most on
two thousand seven you know it takes some qualifications look at the standard and it's
very special case the right
and i found it actually assume that a lot or not the person was run
most martin sre task with two of us
and it to match the right this morning i find out okay
it's a guy can do results also show this student eight or word close to
state and should know class tree knows pentecostal marijuana i do not agree but the
unsupervised clustering approaches for domain adaptation is because it was consistent so stefan
i still
okay and
my research is actually clustering and i just lastly there must be available it's and
find out that there is really can domain adaptation is somewhat topic it's really cluster
at a big lost in there is a to have that goals
i we alternate but i hope that presenting out of the come here to pick
up to about it at least unsupervised domain adaptation
for i-vector speaker recognition
so can you can central may don't and i'm at least potential nickel bottleneck and
commercial equipment
i have to tell daniel to take a break from is the n n's for
a minute
okay so that's pretty much so but we would like to so organising local organising
committee the thanks everyone so it really been a very nice week so we were
a beforehand that we will do something but the but i think most of the
things hopefully work one
okay and of course there is nothing without the future i know what and the
we would like go not to invite the
present that's and from the or to settle doesn't sixteen
to introduce the next artist
it's in and
my name is make a line that to announce you that the next minute the
ldc will being be vol
is paying you will be colonised by
and the gtd s group of the university of the basque country under a lot
of the
university of self
okay so many of you will be thinking about that weight is bilbao don wallace
in the centre
we can go
well close it's really on the north up of a spinning
one the goes quite close to the french borland a hundred for on the remote
that's away from what we to compute l of spain
and will bilbao is a quite the way connect exceeding they are a direct fights
of too many of the important cities in europe i'm sorry there's not
that the connection to helsinki
for distance if somebody would came from as san francisco california could we just we
two flights when to stop could go to paris and then to allow she could
go to
i'm still and then to bilbao
okay could go to from fort and then to be about
similarly something coming from anything about could do that
quite similar three point two flying two parties and from them to we well
i'm so then to will well
from four to munich and not should then to be well what even a is
stumbled because they sat directly from use them will two
to be about
so we are many c d's that can be can be connected we just wonder
stop two flights
of course that some c d's that i'm not connected so well like ceiling q
we have to take
c flights
and i'm sorry again if you're coming from jen strong you have to take few
flights to
bill of a set
one where the in bilbao it said something training not really
you their many hotels different kind of a price says these encoders probation system that
but for basis to be see that a coastal but it villages have reaches a
modify excess some c d's likes and sebastian
have you have wineries
maybe somebody could be not thinking about the typical spanish like a peaches i'm sorry
this is not in the basque country
you would think you will and meet that kind of a features in the past
context they're nice to not the typical a hot reaches in the spring
but in fact if you somebody like it doing source it's quite a nice place
they must close to
to the something
so what could you expect to
to see or to get in bilbao today the weather is quite nice not very
hot not at not because that's just that they were there
a you could expect to find the green one times to this paper fine
let me would full at would full right of at with food a lot of
fruit mask astronomy is quite well known
and of course that some may spondees typical like it beaches
but not much used
a couple of then
then you will be in the sky added by some the
on the fan to all these well just quite close to the high museum very
close to many hotels restaurants and
this is that and that if a program it would be in june and twenty
first a twenty four from two is like to friday the problem would be would
be quite similar to
these e r one with a four days and of course some kind of social
not exactly the same
for example we would go to the
i go home be sealed for a key that bci the welcome perception
for those that like football matches and based in your study on all the athletically
will be well so that could be a piece it further
of course of someone get with meal
fruitful to more ford
in the in the skull do not buy less
and there is some miss gaussian to be seen some places around a wine tasting
in and
so let me finish with fisher p d l will come to their that's currently
week only this one the few condition that the d size there
there is small accordion it's not really mask is came from the italian work is
in several ways hundred years ago but now it's really task
mm i
there we
so that's all
i hope to see you rolling be about two years thank you very much
okay so there is some coffee on maybe someone left so hopeless of and
however set journey back