everybody i in a single button so that a new feature for automatic speaker verification


the data for us to show that automatic specific speaker verification system

are all the spoofing


especially when no we are in an ideal scenario where the spoofing we cannot be

you know in advance so the need the all the for the generalize the going

to measure

so we propose an feature example sample transform

and the t v is a

task automation

and different from a for their trust one because we suppose that fourier transform me

like frequency resolution secrecy security uses our body a time frequency the solution that means

i your time resolution for i frequencies and the higher frequency resolution for lower frequencies

we combine the c d more or less with the traditional a cepstral analysis but

we found the problem but using the discrete cosine transform or you know the identity

applied before so

for two reasons results secrecy a dct have different skate one dramatic another one is

the dinner and dramatically dct basis are no longer than one

so we found a total shock joe's the only for me to sing but they're

not but for thirty twenty scale over the speaker i

with a linear frequency scale


these is the some form comparison of a results a nice peaceful for database and

we know that

we found that no i x from a tax or the system and earlier are

excellent error rate for unknown i so the thing to me

best performance especially for a s then that young federation seem to use these your


and where a we obtain a seven percent over relative improvement

embodied the exposing detection performance

a part of to be in our work seeks

we that seventy two relative improvement

so for more details are wait for you

sure some possible