and only one

i am whether a student formula can

one and one causing a lot of a banana split in previous to deal was

interested recognition is performed with a probabilistic verification

so yes ones everybody's causing you was having we present the motivation

there have been introduced in this is hypothesis

after that i will talk about a constant residual coefficient

then i describe what is one percent

and the discipline analysis of the i'm about this program or resolution and baseline completely

and i don't think will addition model and i'm in every and example

so next time maybe more relation between the thing dysphonia to be found okay

there is a really useful was not i'll find out what i also be included

by different from confirmation it means

what i had to use

for the one of my speech

so we don't

and is the more

i per cent signal or this might help us to discriminate

the more not quite useful for speech

and those kind of understanding

i was to design a better and more reliable numbers of detection

we get it was taken motivation and he went down with

a visual within need to different

a front end performance on is rather than continuing this so it can see everything


mean speaker-specinc which is especially more effective in detecting as an

when we listen to it in a less effective in detecting the one okay just

is eight

you money or

sequences as well collect is equal error

there are very seriously


similar kind of observations regarding both my differences people associated with it is in is

greater than i can challenge

an external data sequences in front end of all right

and the case

for the finals

so can be okay

why sequence is different from the positive and six

no less

but whatever this is how this is so

is we know is finally this can utilise in the spectrum for example in high

hiding behind

the mailman or indian or whatever

so the use of investments analysis that would be information across different manner

and i will be localised information

and there is no degraded performance

so we can see

more reliable detection with the features that precise information is available

no discuss the differences they have anything can be so as you know in the

mean and they were available in the early nativized the and then window is for

this gaussian means

they're exactly once

and temporal resolution

and again singing

the inference is quite well

in contrast a security which we develop a spectral and temporal resolution

so i think in seen once and you press continues better really know what that

was then


high resolution in the lower frequency and the higher than within the temporal resolution with


that means

the synchrony with late fusion one solution more realistic than fifty


in this i in this line we will it's pretty

considering use the solution using the cost of possible


given a within the by imposing is as a feature extraction the we live the

constraint on the human audio file

to illustrate the audio file is basically is you in one you for the spectral

resolution of this paper

so do not need to adapt and in the frequency domain

we live in form with something clusters or endorsement power spectral density

which can be no performance is good of you can be

to it you know what is good

like giving infinitely information across the voice vector

and finally we will explain the cepstral recursion

we apply the discrete cosine non-uniform sampling

this is what is it was to use cepstral coefficient feature

no i don't want it is mainly focus on those of police is the result

is visible nineteen change

and we use the standard problem or

for a policeman he was relatively is applied mimicry really implement

the difference of automation


in the following experiment

we used

standard is reasonable to the nineteen baseline system

so this is a gmm based system and b l is a gmm based system


for one point is exactly the database and the baseline system description you can therefore

before and references

no there is no knowledge of the baseline results on is feasible doesn't i database

is the most substantial variation in the performance of is baseline system

yes we can see in the human eye as an additional the for so no

they for example is the same thing is sixteen and eighty nine


this is a gmm based system

give them better performance and bubble

where there is a gmm based system

where s

for either incorrectly for in estimating the l s is a gmm based system used

to better performance

so while it is in difference in performance

using more differently


the difference in this paper or solution

insecurity which might suggest that be i think that it is to use this one


my representing the specifics right and then people

so that a nine

where the difference it is something you would basically the difference in the performance using

c and the mfcc representation

so we use so that analysis

so in this little someone analysis we propose in will be emailing representation then nutritional

i five tokenizer present in the spectral this domain representation you realise


what i think it'd implement the information they represent different are scored

so in this time

the thing i don't be many presentation of a specific is something i


okay you didn't seem to me

genetics within got frequency mean and the lexus there was because can see it makes

and in the and the leftmost autonomy human that it was in the market is

a localising the low frequency of this is what was in there was a localiser

five was spectrum and

that i in the weighted within the i-vectors are presented for the signal

and in my eyes in the email that imposing that are compared to a single

band-pass filter


for some time analysis

the remaining where can you denies gaussian with the ones

i by integrating

existing using the specific content of imposing


definitely representation signifying the performance of a different is performed combination in the damsel lately


something so i in this line mean within a do you might representation all

of six different specific is performed okay well i roll single within the represent the


and using the secrecy sequences in gmm based system

leaving i think is a c and d processing be a more general representing

he may representation using the ellipses in gmms listed in gmm based system

so you can see that

you for specifically for example is the same thing is sixteen in may nineteen


this is in gmm based system

the estimated performance and then

well i yes for identity in country and fourteen nist nineteen

when extending this is not use the better performance and on the gmm based

so probably you when he was addition we can see that for those or three

is the main sixty and may nineteen

i think that legalising d i i think of this better where is the thing

"'cause" it is important to the data

but details are really and you the better performance

where is it is still

it could mean and importantly where i think so localising the

i don't with the presidential elections seems to have that the and you the better


no i guess of is defined in a day where is the performance work because

the i for initial immunity the i-vectors are not explicitly localised spectrum so for example

in the need a sequence is he or no ellipses in front end

no that don't temporal resolution and maybe of wasn't feasible fishing

so in this light we will explain why i think is the same front-end format


so i x


in this data is shown on the classical be split off and highly speech frame

which represent the new nine

and use it in this city

taking this is obviously that was a good lately

please remember that the other thing in a possible solution is represented by the area

defined by

what we are looking like


probably one finger against and now we can see that

if they are compressed using d i i was in part of the spectral then

how this particular

it means that only invading is also this area is contaminated

two additional cepstral coefficient

that is only bring reading the

and then it is okay in these diversity in the women

s a single in the windows

we aim to the

investigating more contribution to the computational distribution which means

they're eating i is to deal with one second only

and you have one single


this control which is if it is forcing frame when using the uniform recently all

be uniform resembling ones not seem to be

it is normally using the

sequences of feature extraction

so no hannah


we don't know why the within the how


and unionise

needed something in the frequency domain

so in this in this problem can see that


it was it is before

no there is no what you contribution we got stuck a traditional cepstral coefficient daisy


usually motivation the cepstral a

a computational cepstral coefficient which means

i don't information in government and giving more if the size of one second

is known to be consistently for women is different for the first low frequency scale

is with me

and for the signal treatment is gonna union

and lastly we show that

us spend a of them you need i spent on the


this shows because motion is sixteen cepstral coefficient is uniform

i don't is better which means

when i first was in any way to spend on

then it would be better to use i

localised there are a total successfully


that you can use the cost in order to a constant is a solution was

different spectral

no only one thing that is k

when i based on the polite the women

then he was also can be

using the challenge is good

given the one of the size of the lower bound and able to capture the

a difference when the other realising over right

where s

when i based on lies in the way the use of sequences using that is


the engine

the okay to those are persuaded and you the better performance and when i was

i wasn't anything the spectrum that and it is different then

it will look at those i think

then and you get better performance

then the secrecy using a recently


it's just an no mandatory have in the i-vector nonetheless global warning behind

use of sequences the using the dramatically scale and he news good if the performance

based on maybe i'll fix the log spectrum

so in this thing here in this role

all singing voices to represent the

there will be made within twenty minutes ambition using the or something custody

that means because he's using that exactly

where is it wouldn't the closing we didn't show that it was in there

they do not even representation using the gmm based system



that's true within their

the only male presentation using the efficiency with the german task which is a anything

so we you remain

s goes we are using the original signal being systems are statistically or we will

go in it was it would be nice to


again in there

if we can say they are specific what they contain in and fourteen

where we can see that you are used a specially localising be


and now you know there

in our previous presenting overdemand use of sequences the user dramatically scale

hindi better performance and table two shows are explained that she

think this is in here

this is because as in business

it's a question you know right

no only in thinking one representation

this can afford it is from the decision a fourteen thirteen and fourteen and be

used to think is residual material based front end

a the idea that multiplying being by giving substantially nobody they were using it

it is really is

so no i

i that imposing a when the i-vectors analysing the woodbury then you also decreases the

original article is good this one day they're having the size of those of us

and those are frequently but the woman


the conditional condition


if you already

seen a linguistically and presentation you might hear i you might the idea would be


originally proposed in this


for something analysis to identify localiser representing this problem

we define the also find that the different exactly the i think within the different

something and

but it was activated in front end which imprecise information relayed consuming


it was also they're using the front end and vocal qualities of the database

so this finding explain why

that is simply a back to estimate the solution is

so what i in this thing


and if you have any portion a have little as follows