Call Centre Conversation Summarization: A Pilot Task at Multiling 2015
Benoit Favre, Evgeny Stepanov, Jeremy Trione, Frederic Bechet and Giuseppe Riccardi |
This paper describes the results of the Call Centre Conversation Summarization task at Multiling’15. The CCCS task consists in generating abstractive synopses from call centre conversations between a caller and an agent. Synopses are summaries of the problem of the caller, and how it is solved by the agent. Generating them is a very challenging task given that deep analysis of the dialogs and text generation are necessary. Three languages were addressed: French, Italian and English translations of conversations from those two languages. The official evaluation metric was ROUGE-2. Two participants submitted a total of four systems which had trouble beating the extractive baselines. The datasets released for the task will allow more research on abstractive dialog summarization.