so my name is a given to be some degree c and i'm currently a

postdoctoral researcher

and i'm going to present this work with a great level and phonetic nonbackchannel


first let me see if you were the buttons and the context of this work

so this work is part of the european project

i have a spell

which aims that the designing artificial which we get of information and assistance

and this assistant a on the form of the actual agents

but are it can that ever to engage in a pretty model interaction

involving verbal and nonverbal behavior

there's agents also aim at its adapting to the user

and adapting to for instance in expected situations such as interaction

as well as to this to show emotional state of the u


in these projects and that's to that interested in a convergence and that better alignment

as shown by the communication accommodation sorry

can value convergence of behaviour is a very important features of you menu many interaction

that occurs both at low level such as pos true accent speech right and that

high-level such as of the mental emotional and cognitive label

and in particular


human the participant

align the mb at all at many linguistic level such as the lexical syntactic and

semantic ones

and one consequence of successful alignments in dialogue i is a set and a repetitive



as a consequence there are there is going to be a

some of dialog regions that are going to imagine between the dialogue participant

under the form of lexical items for instance

so on the slide you can see two example of a dialog which represent the

same face aging introduction every face of a negotiation

and in this

in this examples

the dialogue buttons

a core roles and their buttons are the main focus of this work

so on the left you can see that they are very few buttons

in this case we says that the available alignment is very low on the contrary

on the right example you can see that

that a participant's aligned us to may need that of routines

such as nice to meet you how are you good

in this case we are going to say that the better a alignment is higher

so the main focus on this work is to propose measures of the of alignment

based on this data which

so what you think about alignment for human machine interaction so first

we can see from human interaction and that's this is a subconscious phenomenon that naturally

appears and it has been shown by previous work

that speakers we use lexical as well as syntactic structures from previous utterances

on top of that

double and temporal alignment may facilitate successful taskoriented the conversations

however in human machine interaction

it has been shown that linguistic alignment cultures

and in particular are users at the lexical items and syntactic structures from the system

but this is only one way

in most of the system the user aligned with the system is not able to


so in this work all goal is to provide a virtual agent with the ability

to detect the alignment behavior of its human participant of each from an interlocutor

and to align or not depending on the strategy with the user

so them in which iteration

of using the about alignment for an agent

is set provide a natural source of evaluation in dialogue and in particular for the

natural language generation that

it also makes it possible to take into account the social emotional behavior of the

behaviour and works

as a social blue


it's also way of adapting results the need of an extensive user profile

and what we expect from

providing an agent with the ability of the body a line is to and this

agents ability likability and friendliness to improve

interaction naturalness as wavelet to maintain and for still user engagement

finally we aim at improving collaboration in taskoriented that


in this work or approach is to provide the majors a characterizing babble alignment

that are going to be based on the transcript on dialogue and on the shared

expression at the lexical

and a proposition stands on

i was stream in past

the first one is to extract

the dialogue routines other justices the shared expression from the dialogue transcripts

the second part is to be an expression lexicon from this shared expression a as

that's keep track of the expression and some features of these expressions

and then they're deriving measures of that better alignment from the data transcript and the

expression icsi

let me so if you word about the automatic building at the expression a lexicon

so in this work we provide a model where we define

a surface text but then at the utterance a shine expression as a surface text

but then at the utterance level that has been produced by both speakers in dialogue

so for instance you can see

i and example of dialogue

on the left of the slide that in the middle

where there is are shown expressions that's not gonna work for me

which is used to reject a proposition in a negotiation dialogue is that is used

by the interlocutor at

in it in that first term and by interlocutor b in the first


so is a shared expression is part of the expression lexicon

and has been initiated by eight

and so in this paper we present a framework of expressions that maybe and but

the or not

and we also provide

way of automatically extracting is it their shared expression to be done expression next we

can automatically

so this is an instance of sequential best down mining in

and it involves the use of by you informatics algorithms that are usually used to

my in dna sequences

so in short

it is involve zeros are the reserving of the multiple common subsequence problems for the

generalize to fix tree data structure

and through this

base of sequential pattern mining we can be from the transcript of dialogue d v

a dialog lexical

then from the data transcript and the expression lexicon we derive some aspects for one


to characterize verbal alignment

so the first measures a global on the single dialog

and now the expression lexicon size that is this is a number of a unique

shown expression other to establish between dialogue participant

and the expression by a variety which is the expression lexicon size a normalized by

the length of the not a given but as a number of to the total

number of token in the day

we also derive

measure that a specific to the speakers

first the expressed in the expression repetition measure


measure which gives the amount of token that is dedicated

to the repetition of an expression by the user

over the total amount of token

and the initiated the expression racial which determines for a given speaker the number

of expression that has been a initiated by him

so to study the proposed from a we present in this paper copies based contrastive


that stands on a real interaction copper well involving you menu man and you man

agent but

as well as artificial cover all which

and used as a baseline

and in this work we provide several a study comparing

the real interaction corpora right to our baseline

comparing a double alignment in you menu men covers and human-agent copies and also studying

some condition on the am an agent copy such as a negotiation

so let me so if you will about

the negotiation corpora that we are using this work

so this negotiation corpora

involve two participants is that are required to find an agreement

over the of the amount of

okay they are they have to share

and this negotiation task can be is a integrative that is to say that can

jana to be a wean for bus participant

all completed you


this couple right available in that you monuments aiding continue in the human agents sitting

you consume the slide an image from the human agent corpora

in the human-agent sitting

the agent is controlled by you are without of course system

that has been designed to be as natural as possible

and this was system involves more than a eleven thousand possible you challenge is so

the agent as a wider variety of you terence to express it's a

the human colour i never eighty four that a white the human-agent corpora

involve one hundred then fifty four down

from these a couple are we constructed all based about a baseline the showing it


which have been designed to break the dynamic of us interactive alignment protocol

and to do that we decided to break the cooking between you differences

so starting from a real interaction dialogue

what we have done is that we have k

all the utterances from a speaker

where substituting all the user utterances from the speaker from the others a speaker

by you two entities should which was an from one concludes

from sorry from there are several pull

but utterances are chosen randomly

and the prove a specific

for the human participant

the human participant facing an agent and for the agent


so on the slide you can see an example of real dialogue on the colour

and of the left

and one randomized version where all the utterances from the human participant had been that

subject you to buy a randomly choose an and jones

so the main idea of these corpora used to break the dynamic of interactive alignment


so the first one of the first hypothesis is that we are investigating in this


is that it's the dialogue participants should constitute a richer expression lexicon

in the real interaction call logs and what would happen incidentally industrial get corporal

in the artificial or

and so to investigate this it was hypothesis we looked at the expression very variety

measure from all model


what we found

is that there is a significant shift different difference between the you menu man

and so the it's at if you can talk about as well as for human

agent as in as and it's

artificial can talk about

in the sense that is expression body right variety is higher in the real interaction

copper wire than in the signal string will get one

so what we have observed is that's or it was is we have a provided

some arguments to can for this is this hypothesis is that in the sense that

we have observed a richer expression lexicon in the real interaction couple and then the

in the artificial ones

which have been designed to avoid

the interaction process the interactive alignment process and thus the constitution of expression mexico

then we have been interest the in the comparison of that better alignments shows a

measure that we propose a

between the human corpora corpus and the agent corpus

so here what we expected that we expected that moldable alignment from the human

in the human-agent interaction

then the agent the main reason is that

the agent even if it even if it's a was it has not been designed

to be able to align

and the second reason is that

the human participant may be influenced by the belief about the limitation of the communicative

get abilities of the agents

so to us to this i prissy six we looked at the initiated expression right

sure that we propose in a model as well as the expression repetition ratio

and in the human interaction

in terms i would that there are no differences between the two speakers in that

it's there is a symmetrical that by alignments

regarding of these two measures

bus dialogue participants initiate

approximately the same amount of expression

and they repeat also the same amount of

of expression


is this is not the case in the human agents and sitting

and we observe here

and estimate


this estimator e a


this end symmetry happened and

can be is summarized by the fact that

the human participants adopt more was initiated expression

which is not surprising because the which cannot

a adopt easy to use a human participant expression the human participants also they did

get small talk into the repetition of expression

so a here

this give some

arguments to say that the human participant

is influenced by its belief about the limitations

of the communicative capabilities of the agents

and it should be stressed that lets us test image three a does not appear

when considering the number of the can produce by each speaker or when considering the

change proportion

is the proportion of vocabulary

finally we looked at some conditioned on the human agent corpus and

we have mainly focus on the negotiation type

in we wanted to see if there was an impact

on the verbal alignment indicators

given the type of negotiation so integrative negotiation which i don't know to be a

wean a distributive


which is a competitive one

and what we found is that

both negotiation type have as a similar amounts the c is a similar value for

the expression for it

that is to says that down

the same amount of expression

that are created in both dialogues but there is a clear difference in the text

prediction repetition ratio

which shows that's

in the competitive in the negotiation

dialogue participants


all and their body allowing more

then in wean negotiation


the fact what we provide here is arguments to us about the fact that it's

competitive negotiation

due to more rubber alignment and one it was this is that

the participants a need to be already allowing more on control proposition

so to conclude on in this work and we have proposed automatic and generic measures

of the other alignment based on sequential pattern mining at the level of stuff first

of texture differences

that makes it possible to characterize

interesting aspect of that by law alignment such as the reading position process

the degree of repetition between that a participant and the orientation of the about that


we have contrast construe a contrastive then you menu man and you men agent that

better alignment showing us that there is a symmetry in babble alignment

when a given now indicators on

in human interaction why there is an asymmetry in human-agent interaction

and this touch we wanted to evenly comfy m some hypothesis is from they need

to ensure

and the perspective that we want to explore used to used as a measure that

we propose in a dialogue system and should be stressed that the major based on

very efficient algorithm is to say

linear complexity algorithms

we would like also to investigate this

more the query and to do a qualitative analysis of that but alignments between a

human interaction in human-agent interaction

such as a function and analysis of the repetition

and finally we would like to investigate

that was are comparable here menu man and human-agent gabor

to confirm or reasons

thank you for your attention and i'm now ready to answer your question ratio image

thanks for the top i was i was wondering several things about adopt actually one

of them is i i'm not quite sure you said something that on

way of the machine adapting to

to the user there's nothing out there

you have any idea why is nothing out there because when i looked into

it was like slot filling kind of dialogue and that was difficult because you don't

have a lot of data about user

to make the system about two but in this kind of data it might be

different and also the second question is whether

the measures that you come up with would work got for turn level

so if you have the decision to change from mexico expression

with those words to make changes that the turn level rather than

several turn

but like rather than taking into consideration example for

so for the first question about that there are systems that are able to align

as in some interesting work and they are pointed out in the in our paper

the main disadvantages that most of the system i'll based out rule based

and specific to some domain

all of some tasks

and the idea and providing measures and used to go towards more data driven way

an automatic way of aligning

but there are some system that i module

and the second question

so if i understand you where is that if we change the granularity of where

we've well where we look for expression

so we can not be over your problem i

don't see the em program in using all means of to be just changing that

when you're writing and ueller richie

of the units

which we

do you think you would get this you would keep the same accuracy

i don't know we have one check because here we go to variable for a

couple always very when the limited you challenge is

if we look at

i'm not sure to understand their we will your point in fact

we can talk a yes

hello i am here but talk about how you are looking on the degree of

repetition and what i didn't you are looking as repeated

i think perhaps not counting

probably so you get things like

i'm interested in shares or whatever was and in the next one you're getting a


in content items as being the repetition

in terms of being you know sort of

alignment which i think in this case where the participants don't really have so much

like what they say that phone first-person pronoun there is only one


you have similar ones for me i think that if you were doing alignments

on the on that might also be the same sort of a problem

what the in i think that it's just one of the difficulty to work when

we walk misalignment is that it can be very

you can very specific

words such as the difference between what time i used adding all at what time

and it is going to be very important in that case

and in this work we have chosen to

select all the expression

and to can everything even though we are probably counting some

expression that in around and that are still going to happen even without that but


but what we show in the by comparing to the strongest cultural

i think is that

when people line

they will create mall expression


i just if you were telling

information for


i think you would want to understand some of these things are alignment in some


so that you would be producing delays


and regarding that


the expression mexican keeps track of expression instead our future such as the frequency

such as a recent c of an expression we can use it is it's is

it is features to feature out

an interesting expression

but can you because i could be extremely free

and it could be very recent as well


i can just two

to copy this behaviour

we can choose to stop my sentences by the same expression that we use for

instance i want to align

thank you very much nothing to speaker again