Completely different look on the thing. We were just few Ph.D. students

but now we see differently and we can concentrate on

the stuff which is important for the commerce.

I hope we will, in time, become leaders on the market

and bio IT.

Good evening, everybody. My name is Vilem Ĺ ustr and we are Caversoft. We develop software

for protein analysis and visualization.

Proteins are extremely complex structures and their study is bases for protein engineering and drug

design which is performed by pharma and biotech companies.

The goal is to develop a new drug or a new chemical compound of some


and traditionally, this is performed by doing thousands of experiments in laboratories.

Well, increasingly

it has become time consuming and expensive and it's a big problem for the pharma


To overcome the limitations,

we have developed a software product based on prediction of protein behaviour and interaction.

We estimated that it can save the companies around twenty thousand euro and a month

of development time for their protein engineering products.

While a small research group runs five to ten of such projects, big companies do

dozens of them at once.

Our software is integration of advanced visualization methods and tools for protein exploration, combined with

analytical modules based on detection of voids and void space in proteins.

Our product has been developed and tested with the protein engineering group from the Loschmidt


We have been acknowledged worldwide among the community.

Currently we have a beta version ready, which is being tested and our product, our

basic version attracted four thousand five hundred users around the world.

In the picture you can see

institutions that already use Caver or have asked us for a commercial license.

Thank you for your attention. We are Caversoft. We help to, we have to speed

up the development of drugs and compounds. And to, if you want to know more

about us, check our website and send us to the next round and the first

place. Thank you.