We are currently finishing work or our fully automated systems.
We would like to launch a full version of our system by the end of
the Starcube.
We also want to start to operate in at least three other foreign markets
in Europe.
Good afternoon to everyone
Do you remember the old times when we advertised in newspapers if we wanted to
sell something? Yes, these days are already gone.
Today people, most people advertise on classified websites. Actually, in the Czech Republic, it's more
than fifty thousand advertisers each day.
Unfortunately, there isn't only one. There are many classified websites and if you want to
make your ad most successful, you have to place it on many of them.
It doesn't matter if you sell car
house or
some puppies, for example.
As well as Mrs. Bruslikova, one of our typical clients. She is a dog breeder
and each year she has the newborn puppies that she needs to sell. But these
little sweeties make her so busy that she doesn't have enough time for advertising,
enough time for filling out these boring advertising forms over and over again.
But fortunately, she knows Vkladej and she just needs to play her ads only once
on Vkladej, and our system will automatically place her ad up to seventy classified websites
in minutes. There is no better way how to advertise easily.
It's now more than three thousand paying customers that have already used our service.
And it makes our revenues from more than one million Czech crowns from the beginning
of our business.
These numbers are still growing, because we have found a way how to make advertising
for people more easier and effective.
So now, they can do things they really enjoy.
So this is highly effective system for you advertisements. Thank you for your attention.