the big picture it's a

it's a hardware approach to security of a hyphen systems which are

you know systems that have very strict

in a you have to enforce very strict policy about where information for like for

a bank system we wanna make sure the

no private key isn't for the public not working for aeroplane you know fly control

system you wanna make sure the user

in a network doesn't conflict or fly control so traditionally people kind of work at

in uplink system application the programming

programming language level trend of

you know ensure these policies at high level but we're actually designing hardware

that enforce these policies you know abigail also them we kind of build up from

that and in doing so you can kind of at every stage from a bottom-up

approach for the very secure system that's you know probably enforces a wannabes policies

the prominences it is very just in that are whiskers that just because these programming

languages in a print system attraction scarily

i mean obviously don't count for all the flows in hardware that could potentially happen

in people design harbour for low power performance things like that generally don't consider security

when the design however so this kind of approach that you book is a harbour

and say this is probably you know not gonna we give you know leak your

t to the networking and things like that so

you know department of antennae and you know anybody that really need a very strict

very strict a guarantee about where they're information spline will benefit from this