three point is teaching project builds on the idea that kids are gonna be more

motivated to read

if they see an authentic purpose for reading

and also this project positions kids who traditionally been seen from a deficit standpoint

and export


which howling and they're experts and they we have up to those expectations

lather thing and being told that they can treat are feeling like they can in

this project fifth and sixth grade students have been identified for title one

prepare reading lessons for first graders

each intermediate student has two or three first graders as students

to prepare for each lesson the students and i brainstorm things that their previous reading

teachers had done with them and reading lessons

and then we talked about ways that

those reading lessons helped or maybe didn't help them so much

and we looked at ways to revise those kinds of professional development component for the

apprentice teachers one of the things that idea this took pictures during each lesson and

i also videotaped some of the lessons

and afterwards we debriefed and i asked them to look at the pictures and what

was going on during that picture and they did some reflective writing

on another occasion we watched video of themselves and their peers teaching and they critiqued

each other they did the three pluses and the wish activity and they really helped

each other figure out how to handle things like and they all feel like they

would really like to be in the apprentice teacher project again

and they feel like they've read a lot more than they would have otherwise they

also become much more aware of the miscues that they make and the how important

is to think about miscues and think about making self corrections

they're taking a lot more ownership and responsibility for their own reading and definitely becoming

experts as readers