0:00:06well let's that would why it matters
0:00:09what's really important is that companies are now increasingly looking for opportunities beyond the borders
0:00:17they're trying to find new markets no products no suppliers new partners
0:00:24so the work and heart to find grow that's really the bottom line of globalisation
0:00:32they're pursuing opportunities
0:00:35but in doing bad
0:00:36whether asking their manages to do a is learn how to work effectively with people
0:00:43who happened to be from different parts of the wall
0:00:46so if i'm an american company and i want to pursue opportunities in korea one
0:00:51way or the other in my manages will have to get involved work weight influence
0:00:58communicate with people who are in korea or people who are from korea they may
0:01:03be in other parts of the well but they make their korean
0:01:07in other words when you think about globalisation
0:01:12the implication of the companies global strategy d's the manages working for the company
0:01:19will be increasingly asked to work with people from other parts of the wall
0:01:25why's that difficult
0:01:27the reason that's difficult is that
0:01:29if you look at how
0:01:31children grow up in different societies
0:01:34they mostly grow up learning how to live and work with people who are like
0:01:38them that's how societies develop the kids
0:01:43the issue so when a company asks it's manages to work effectively with people from
0:01:48other parts of the well it's asking manages to do something
0:01:54that's different from what they are naturally developed for
0:01:58so question becomes how can we help these managers
0:02:02how can we educate how can we develop how can we prepare manage use for
0:02:08this new rule and you expectation that their global companies have of that
0:02:14that is the essence of global minds
0:02:17what we mean by global mindset he's a set of individual qualities individual characteristics
0:02:24that we've spent a lotta time allow the research trying to identify
0:02:28and now we know that if the manager has a high level of those attributes
0:02:35that managers more likely to be effective
0:02:38when he or she's working with people from other parts syllable
0:02:41and we know that manages to have low levels of these attributes
0:02:46get into trouble and find obstacles and challenges at the get frustrated when they have
0:02:52to deal with people from other parts of
0:02:55so global mindset
0:02:56is a set of individual characteristics that we've identified scientifically and
0:03:02having a high level of those makes
0:03:05makes it more likely that you will succeed as a global match
0:03:15there is not moving