scientists have long speculated that sleet helps restore and repair the brain now researchers studying
myself found evidence that the story bro spinal fluid that washes through the brain flushes
out potentially harmful proteins
when the mice or sleeping clean out happens twice as fast as when they're away
for a hundred years scientists have been trying to nail down where cosmic rays come
from twenty thirteen be fairly gamma ray space telescope
finally spotted solid evidence the race which actually high energy particles
originate inside the roman mask exploding stars
when viruses attack bacteria the bacteria flight back and that defences inspired a remarkable gene
editing technique how crisper it'll outsiders to use approach to perform micro surgery on genes
with astounding precision
receiver could help naval who genetic engineering research
while just call them we're gonna weights minute sure organs grown in the lap
that used to be science fiction but this year researchers using stem cells grew mini
kidney liver buttons and even rudimentary brains the size of an apple c
there's a humbling plot most of the cells and the nn your body don't belong
to they belong to bacteria that live inside of twenty thirteen researchers made important progress
toward figuring out how these microbes
and there might help physicians treat malnutrition cancer and other disease
ros kites are materials that could make solar power cell cheaper easier to make and
very good at converting sunlight into electricity but they're not up there yet with commercial
silicon solar cells still there cleaning fast
how higher is called r s v sense millions of babies to the hospital every
year now researchers have used structural biology to the engineering or sp protein to trigger
an immune response
it's a pioneering accomplishment and a big step toward creating a vaccine
after more than a decade of failure researchers this euronounce that they had finally derive
stem cells from cloned human embryo recipe for making them included action caffeine stem cells
can develop and any type of cell in the body and that could help assigned
to study and treat diseases
now here's a concept c through brain sciences this year learn to make brain tissue
as clear as glass
right chemically removing fatty look at scatter light
researchers open the window on the hidden structures inside
and now for this year's break through a whole new way to treat cancer answering
in the therapy text tumours by harnessing a person's "'em" use just this year is
a promising results from clinical trials researchers successfully treated a number of different types of
cancers but this is very much your work in progress
it only helped a handful patients and there's still a lot to learn about how
this therapy works