0:00:00blankness john my are faster click here to law school i find it might be
0:00:05six is very much fuel practice just like clinical faster as opposed to faster by
0:00:10practise has come from d c and from another problem in two thousand and three
0:00:15which is called but it just like cepstra
0:00:20at least specialises in taking heels we have all kinds of cases all around the
0:00:27country it's work
0:00:31sometimes only half of the
0:00:33it's about ourselves sometimes as a friend or unknown words
0:00:39and in that work i found that the most compelling problem right especially in this
0:00:45country but not in this country
0:00:47if you just experiments years
0:00:49the problem of mother's were trying to protect their children context lubrication with your user
0:00:57what we know is that of users that their videos leave and the reasons to
0:01:02believe they often with that of course and the best possible that all users fight
0:01:08over the children because that's where there is to take away and in the worst
0:01:14cases sometimes harm or even kill children
0:01:17we assume that more often than people realise so what a lot by research has
0:01:22focused on the last ten years as to what's going wrong records and what is
0:01:27the scores are not understanding what's going on women can work in custody cases it's
0:01:32a dangerous wise words are her
0:01:36are listed i'll understanding many thousands of children into harm's way and we find this
0:01:41again all the country not one jurisdiction not identically judges but it's just where
0:01:48so most of my research is focused on particular doctrines that are misused in the
0:01:54context of those cases in particular the recall translation performance limitations syndrome
0:02:00which is the idea that mother's
0:02:03context where it's a father's dangerous to the children she's only doing that to eliminate
0:02:08children from their father and not because it's true
0:02:14while the idea sounds kind of obviously
0:02:18basically did not use which was a while but not the majority of cases
0:02:23this idea has taken over all records across the country and they have started it
0:02:29and one resistance a whole is that is then propounded by users but also by
0:02:35evaluators were often pointed as neutrals records role of trust
0:02:41you about what extent also be so what users to think that if you timing
0:02:45or he's that were used i seen or unseen slot as children or whatever it
0:02:50is like him okay you can be used for which uses
0:02:54in so we have very workfare distracted dangerous evaluations one words by ensuring sound way
0:03:02really rates
0:03:03my someone research has been trying to deconstruct this theory both in terms of how
0:03:08it is used for both by telling stories that cases i worked on about and
0:03:13also by looking at the underlying research colours
0:03:16course think this is a scientific theory in these evaluations psychologist represented as the one
0:03:22side theory but in fact there is virtually no science under this use of this
0:03:27theory in fact there's virtually assigns underlying theory all there's a lot of a publications
0:03:34that aside but actually pure proof
0:03:37that there is the thing is principally recognition that has the impact they claim that
0:03:42also by my articles are really in just as the evaluators talking about why this
0:03:46theory is incorrect and one was used in this league judges by coarse to fine
0:03:52ways i i'd like what is that they could
0:03:56still entertaining the possibility that you screens are false and objectively assess those claims without
0:04:03falling into the rat hole principle intonation did not use
0:04:08my most recent research i'm very excited about because the first time is actually in
0:04:12here i think it's lattices were what is completely i hope it will support the
0:04:17gender at a rate of the location doesn't as the fields of is that was
0:04:22no parental alienation is used against them and almost
0:04:26vast majority of is used as our guest women but this is that is the
0:04:30most individual so the analysis that idea without rate in turn last summer
0:04:36is to look at all decisions country you know course fuel across the country that
0:04:41involve elimination claims can use stochastic used and just look at how does look at
0:04:47windows claims coexist wins
0:04:50what findings the query mixed views for english and we're getting very interesting results which
0:04:56are very for our own experiential
0:05:01you this is very gender doctor in particular the most powerful finally we found that
0:05:07mother's allege child sexual used without fail things costly in these cases
0:05:13it is a mixture of course not actually charts actually used to know
0:05:18that is an automatic french english which is six
0:05:26so that it right where the most findings be very powerful in a forced reevaluate
0:05:32use should help as well so i researched show