to properly illustrated's three dimensional holographic technology real view imaging has produced a video demonstrating
what it says an observer would say in an operating theatre
the company says the technology gives surgeons an unprecedented look at the connections anatomy as
their operating
top l kind and broke i might help development
doctors d with patients
presence of build tissues and things that
if you want to intervene and treat those things
looking them as they actually all real life
in real time is definitely going to improve the way we follow procedures how successful
we are those procedures of the time it takes to do this procedures
the system combines to technologies real views co founder shall government says it begins with
data from x-ray m r i or ultrasound imaging reproduced as a three d hologram
and that after the computation of the hologram the system
has an electro optical part that actually propagates the slides into space and reconstruct the
image in free air allowing the user to go and interact with the image
and for doctors like i network that makes a difference
instead of having two-dimensional cuts through the hardware able to see the heart floating in
front of us were able to cut through we actually need to see the interaction
between the device in tissue a around a so and it was
have really how wonderful and i think experience
real view says it plans to launch its medical imaging system commercially in two thousand
and fifteen