
nineteen is just all and i'm a classical assistant professor hubris over to the faculty

of fancy and pharmaceutical signs

i one of the call primary authors of this paper describing medication use changed for

older adults following presentation to the requisite department for can acquire or cat

this is an analysis of a really should be stressed radio stations from edmonton alberta

canada that initially including all patients greater than seventeen years of age presented from the

hearer's two thousand two thousand and you with cap

during quality improvement venture

we utilized in what is very index and research there's is to collect socio demographic

clinical and laboratory data

we restricted this analysis to those greater than sixty five years of age as this

population has been demonstrated to experience greater morbidity and mortality in our previous work

as well as frequently experienced oliveira c

and thus are particularly high risk adverse drug

we also have access to complete prescription cleans data provincial administrative database for this population

during transitions the care studies have shown that many intended medication changes that unintended

medication discrepancies occur placing this all syllable duration at risk of not only adverse events

but also be hospitalisation and the effects that under over treatment

we believe that you need to identify populations address suboptimal but you should use

and understanding one to target their medication profiles for optimization

while we're an adverse drug that's

as such we summarize determine whether altercations presenting with community acquired pneumonia or subject to

only fancy

be here particularly high risk and in to describe their patterns of medication use at

and for one here following than one you presentation

we include two thousand one hundred five subjects that are final study sample with the

meeting to seventy years old

sixty two percent were admitted to hospital

and forty five percent of all the pharmacy baseline

which we defined as five or more medication

i was increased to seventy four percent in the score in the ninety period following

yes cap but remains stable for the balance of the one you're follow up here


a limitation of our study is that were unable to quantify more throw measures of

medication part

and could not assessed medication appropriate


we found that e percent tuition started at least one you medication in the first

time t d's a follow-up most commonly in an effective and almost seventy five percent

of patients also stopped at least one medication during this time here

although the overall prevalence of medication classes remain stable throughout follow-up the vast majority of

patients had medication changes during the transition of care

you're respect to the antibiotic use

we believe that this time frame immediately following discharge is critical particularly older adults with

multiple medications

with the transfer here

resolution q don't is

you medications and challenges in here and

may combine to produce higher risk of medication really problems

our findings or i the proposed discharge convalescent phase and among older models

two speech will more throw medication review with the court optimized right

in q