she mining don't have to be and i've been talking to you today about my
paper title right one don't want to look location and imaging with and without
but don't you when you want to do not want don't are correctly then conducted
on the role of the range of two and the normative unique whatever the property
that need for the biomedical applications
in medical and surgical quality but what do you want to do not include a
broad expectation vector and handle recognition spectral i want to you but at high portability
but what we then very important role by medical imaging is that property of might
expect imaging
the clean that one of the number of different colours in all the idea that
the people be applied at the time you inability which means that one of the
clean animate here an image in a range of different color bleeding although we do
to create an infrared evening
or anything wanted a very important for biomedical imaging because introductory between seven hundred what
how the normative independently without the data for the whole then they allow the issue
the ability
the human element glue factor that the g it will be back in between twenty
five to predict that then back then we know that are two
what do you are highly attracted quite a car and high mortality amount you need
a low key that do not need to make you happy that are not quite
effective using the human eye monochrome that activity had been shown to increase or decrease
the time for the question of whether or not a viable
the need for how to detection include immunity can three d to hybridization a but
it will mention individual hybridization all of it are people method of detection actually do
albeit with me what people
detection of part of data infrared imaging using quantum dot i and investigated for individual
people imaging applications and then what in particular project we aim to demonstrate the application
or incorrect one and a quantitative two hundred and forty for target localization of how
to detect it
i one that prior to the in the application
the one you in this study are the core shell or i had that and
i think that and i do i don't i one infrared emitting pointed out that
i that college london
we found in that they are there are indeed to talk to feel the quantum
dot using three different and i'm including the f t v are three of the
back and aligned that would expect her to the fact that the in here that
after the line that under expected her to the fact that at the heads you
can tell
that are going to talk to f t v r t and you have an
l one for sure or one and twenty four hours to a computational michael that
and i'll
the what evidence within the top thirty five twenty four out of the project had
to do i want a greater than fifty micrograms or ml
the one of quantity occurs to i three hundred and forty using the e p
manager protocol and the by one given what europe i location can one using f
t i r
we then apply the q t and what if i want to get two or
three and i got three and you have that in order to detect the how
to the fact that
you know that you see and forty five point to get like the to detect
the other stuff that of the are you have not evident one and l
we don't need that are we concluded that and i'll give you can be quantitative
using the l d and the chip protocol
the and i'll the activity i want to get and you for that local additional
part of that the and the and i am i want to get can potentially
be used for target it had to be better in the right of the tree
you know and potentially be used for a number of other applications like doubt that
in conjunction with carbon on that you put targeted for all the position of can
tell that in conjunction we would like to die for talking to what to do
not have a p
how about the technical transportation will be no role
a quiet an analysis of the in people behaviour and to thank you