0:00:00publication this manuscript a permits the condition to learn how to use
0:00:05inventory and explanatory muscle i
0:00:08program at most of the cuban spanish and i'm not sure if you're for patients
0:00:14with we present or muscles
0:00:16in particular for patients with neural muscular disease
0:00:20typically what goes on conventional speaking is that patients get weaker and weaker the ability
0:00:26of separable sausage and with a low standards of by the way for sure but
0:00:33they continue to we can eventually develop acute respiratory failure usually during otherwise the nine
0:00:38upper respiratory tract infection
0:00:41once change a lot is the unit debated and when there now we all have
0:00:46an expectation to they get straight in at least and the rest of their lives
0:00:51in institutions that later units or of nursing facilities or with sixteen twenty four hours
0:00:58a day of nursing care at all
0:01:01if you begin haitians a parallel hardware pressure but if you use a portable than
0:01:07a later with tyneside
0:01:10with a good delivered by universal a spatial take as much here as you might
0:01:15use it right through a an excellent case and i think is weaker you will
0:01:22increase the used to date time
0:01:24and using a simple leader node is eventually the patient's become can twenty four hour
0:01:31dependent on this
0:01:33and variable without ever being task so this result is the quality of life it
0:01:38greatly reduces cost
0:01:39and a lot of the patients remain where you want to which is o