0:00:00hi my name's karen requirement
0:00:02i'm a sociologist in college and norton massachusetts and i wanted to talk today about
0:00:07a paper that i haven't symbolic interaction called comfort in burden
0:00:10the changing meaning of home for owners at risk a foreclosure i became interested in
0:00:14the meaning of home in the early years of the foreclosure crisis one millions of
0:00:18americans became a risk of losing their houses
0:00:21i was interested because homeownership is very frequently correlated with the sense of security
0:00:27and control security for the long term oneself and one's children
0:00:31and also control over the physical space
0:00:34where they can park
0:00:35how their children can play and the like
0:00:38what i found with that one homeowners talked is out buying the houses the absolutely
0:00:43connected homeownership with these
0:00:46experiences they felt that becoming homeowners gave them a greater sense of control not only
0:00:50in the present but also for their feature
0:00:53and they felt that there's long-term security and the likelihood of their children going to
0:00:58college and how they sit successful life was increased by homeownership
0:01:02when people begin to talk about the prospect of losing their houses both of these
0:01:07under can came into conflict
0:01:09on the one hand to their long term security without rest
0:01:12it can no longer can i'm being able to control the circumstances when under which
0:01:16they would be backhouse sell the house removed to another location
0:01:20but also their greater sense of control over physical space and the process of polish
0:01:25changed so not only do they feel out of control in terms of their own
0:01:29houses for example they frequently didn't answer the phone because they were afraid that it
0:01:33would be bill collectors calling
0:01:35but they also fell the loss of control over the process
0:01:38when they began trying to call lenders and banks to try to refinance the mortgage
0:01:42frequently you did not receive return phone calls
0:01:45they were offering giving conflicting information by different representatives
0:01:49and they also frequently felt that they had no voice in the process
0:01:53so their sense of security and their sense of control were undermined
0:01:57when i compared owners it would fully expected to own homes those you grew up
0:02:00the middle class american families
0:02:03so those who saw homeownership more is an accomplishment i did find significant differences for
0:02:08those and always expected own homes
0:02:10the prospect of foreclosure represented a threat to their financial feature and a threat to
0:02:15their sense of security and the house
0:02:18but for analysis at home ownership is an accomplishment not only with these threatens
0:02:23but so to with their sense of status
0:02:25and their connection to both a citizenship
0:02:28to the middle class to six tasks after a divorce or success
0:02:32on their own
0:02:34their successful adults the transition
0:02:37these issues and more are explored in my paper and i hope that you enjoy
0:02:40reading it
0:02:41thank you