hi my name is john ryan mlp he can it and the university present are
and have a particle correlation properties of quite the motion and bacterial suspension
this work was done in collaboration with my adviser professor winded role in that and
they as well and restock were then you were then at argonne national laboratory
the objective of this work is the study of the non trivial spatial temporal correlation
that are merged in the course of quite a swimming of motel bacteria
a new design experiments performed on a suspension of battle but it was
where an initial you artwork text is induced in the system settle down into a
corpus they want the ultrasound is turned off
the following that illustrates this experiment
in this movie probability real suspension is based on the glass slide all that an
ultrasound transducer
sorry switched on which results in the generation of service category waves in the drawer
no zoo main to see what has on the suspension
one result is turned off quite patterns into a more
just study concave known a observed in experiment a simple theoretical model is introduced whereby
frame is represented as a point four stifle with side the recall from actual and
the model thing to know how to fundamental mechanisms that for high dynamic interactions and
short range bacterial collision
efficient numerical simulations of the model capture the transitions the collective state in the following
week taken from simulation we see local regions of collective motion characterized by i work
is to the in red or blue
one can see from this movie then we the collective motion form and we went
well errors in the movie represent all would velocity
a striking result was observed namely the correlation aligned is independent of the concentration is
something to be on the particle concentration rifle despite the greater injection of energy this
verifies the experimental work also have an air and then recently away from here on
two thousand well
although we came any new results with the idea that are quite the motion bind
that in the evolution of the correlation length versus time
yes we use stimulation is to separate the effect that tumbling and we'll timings p
to identify tumbling is the true source of the decrease in correlation align when adding
concentration as well when experiment
we study effect and aspect ratio and dipole moment which may be harder to control
experiment to demonstrate that swimmers size and shape are responsible for the properties of the
collective state
one of the many interesting conclusion the this work is that equation and increase the
correlate going whereas high dynamic interactions and to decrease the correlation going
this shows that the quite the dynamics in really high dynamic models maybe fundamentally different
than that observed in experiments episode of an air and
i hope that you find this paper interesting and if you have any further questions
we use a factor