0:00:04i know
0:00:05my and then used a teacher who never give a short introduction of our results
0:00:10published in the paper titled
0:00:12but accepted induced by controlled edge it up
0:00:16mobile physical entities such as particles bacteria water droplets
0:00:21subject it was you don't in periodic excitation can acquire a finite mean momentum if
0:00:26the energy potential landscape is a semitic
0:00:29well in other words that actually spectacles
0:00:32a particularly attractive system for testing these non equilibrium phenomena can be made on the
0:00:37basis of type two suburban doctors
0:00:40the vast majority of the two identical approaches for describing the physical mechanisms of is
0:00:45that it systems
0:00:46as you met in canadian we've noteboard as well with periodic boundary conditions
0:00:52but neglecting sample borders in a significant upon system seems to be unjustified from an
0:00:58experimental point of view
0:01:00unless special care is taken to move particles in circles
0:01:04such as encoded been of this configuration
0:01:07well so
0:01:08it has been recognized in the past about and want the differences between the two
0:01:12sample borders can lead to spruce act the location signal
0:01:17it remains unclear whether
0:01:19there is also a glance from the a semantic vortex and telling exit process
0:01:26in this paper we do mostly theoretically and experimentally the generational predicted by mean vortex
0:01:31displacement resulting from a control the difference between the sofa values
0:01:36and the opposite board also possible conducting sleep
0:01:40one investigation focuses on have a means of conducting steps
0:01:44well in one of the sample borders a so called like a to me going
0:01:47conditions has been doing it
0:01:51the origin of the vortex actually affect in our system
0:01:54is based on the fact that
0:01:57the onset of the vortex motion is mainly governed by the and there's of what
0:02:00disease and
0:02:03the current lines bunching produced maybe isn't conditions precedent a than the creation of odyssey
0:02:10only for one current direction living conditions are positioned at beside the vortex and three
0:02:15and the onset of the various used a vision is lower compared to the opposite
0:02:19good and bad actions
0:02:23upon comparing the calculated the results
0:02:25with the natural data we find good agreement between you an experiment
0:02:30in both cases the independent sample icsi bits a sizable undergoes the actual signal
0:02:36we show that effects
0:02:37a geometrical borders play a crucial role in the overall an action scene
0:02:42if these effects have been systematically ignored when interpreting the results of project affect measurements
0:02:47performed in samples of the rise of a semitic being sentences
0:02:52our findings point of the need of revising previous investigations particularly when making quantitative estimation
0:03:00thanks for watching