suppose and integer and is built from two unknown prime factors for example fifteen is

equal to three times five

if present a protocol how these factors can be determined by an experiment

imaging you have to try

we has it is great energy levels for a single particle a proportional to the

logarithm of the quantum number how can i help you to find the factors of

a given individual

we need to particles with the dimension less code the energy of logarithm of fifteen

then the particles may occupies the lattice number


and five

all you have to do now is to measure the energy of one of the


from this would you like one of the factors

of course the second factor is followed by deviation of you rate you know the

two particles may occupy the lattice this number one and fifteen as well

that's is mean we have only a fifty chance to find the factors

no because we show in our paper that for large numbers and the probability to

find the fact that we are interested in is much larger than two fines to

detect those you met and

this is our first result

i seconds result is a proposal how to realise it to particle state with the

dimension of this energy of logarithm of and

we start with to code postonic atoms is a ground state and into we use

and are still aiding interaction between yet l two color segmentation into c desired state

the frequency only got a of the oscillating interaction is chosen to be resonant to

the frequency of the transition into the factor state in this way to the number

to be factor is coded into the frequency of the interaction

we solve this within a equation and find that the probabilities posted ground state and

the factor states are still eight

this is called rugby oscillation

on the typical it is evident that the measurement should be done vincent probability plots

of factors state is a rush we indicates it in the pickup by capital t

since values of this very the equation contains the factors p and q we want

to determine and therefore unfortunately the measurement time t also depends on unknown factors

our the result is that we found an approximation forty which depends only on the

number and we want to tactile

we have cm addition to factor numbers as large as possible but of course a

limitations on the experimental conditions

they all discussed in our paper i just mention one of them

since spacing of the energy nevis in the two particles spectrum decreases as n increases

because now of class and then transitions into a neighbouring states become more and more

probable over chance to fines affect the state becomes more for very large and

let me and ms a conclusion

we have developed a protocol that allows to find the factors of numbers of the

order of ten to the dog until tend to supports with the probability of about

ninety percent in a single run of the experiment

this estimation was based on parameters typical in two days and technology

thank you for your attention and enjoy reading all paper