you want someone in a single field as i one probability distribution position

we show here the example distribution of us

you can start state of the signal which is

in her medium life experiences a stress during its propagation in this phase modulation for

an initial coherently this was talking about the cooler idea

in the horse figure addition the refractive index b is modified by the intensity of

the second one

you the answer i did into orthogonal for translation models

so this is better described in terms of the starts parameters

i octave at state of polarisation represented by one here

centered on a rectangular at the end wordnet system for all right

market activation the number unavoidable

so we have worst top of a three-dimensional what alright i which can be patient

with only a yours radii of course corresponding of one

this is not located here distributed over different shall

i am also be represented by a distribution point

again at the typical example shown here g which are also looks

i or tourists or something function for correctly guessed complete information about fluctuations state we

show here that are such that it can be appreciated get the located along the

direction of maximum
