no peaks realize an efficient in the electromagnetic field on a strong what everything's scale
those in contrast plus one's productions appear as excellent case that since the present extremely
low model for
in this work we investigate the plus twenty two middle and annotated optical fibre coded
with this in itself in where optical five remote can be covariate and two class
one mode we called is p mode
the shape of the melody it's necessitates good understanding of the power transferred along recorded
so we have investigated where propagation in the middle occurred tempered optical fibre where signals
of go and you of the tape ran beginning of the maximization our parameter register
to my criteria for coded five or on history channel used for intrinsic models are
propagating five
words in my fibre cocaine and well as a is the speech with taking into
account last weekend of the coupling between the small number or correlation until the end
of six
in the in the visible range we're strong plus a few