0:00:03with ordinary microscopes we can see very small things we always limited by the wave
0:00:08nature of light we can see molecules we cannot see the process of life in
0:00:13real action and in order to see small structures we need something like an electron
0:00:21and but it of an electron microscope the things we see their that and then
0:00:24of life again and also for making electronic chips for the electronics industry there we
0:00:30need to photograph things
0:00:32better very small structures transistors on these chips
0:00:37and that becomes increasingly difficult now we found ways around this we found new types
0:00:43of lances very unusual answers
0:00:46that do the trick where we can maintain only information that is contained in light
0:00:52and for the graph them on
0:00:55for the sensitive materials
0:00:57and their we succeeded in the very first x men to demonstration for that not
0:01:00for light for the time being but for my quicksand
0:01:04and my phd soon so how actually will explain what the trick is behind it
0:01:08what the idea is behind
0:01:11maybe i should say that just occurred our method is using geometry that's inspired by
0:01:17nature itself
0:01:19i is there is often relatively to suppose that and in dense distribution of ms
0:01:25and the word good
0:01:27and usage natural geometry
0:01:30nowadays in the light of recent a problem is an artificial
0:01:35materials engineering
0:01:37we are able to exactly mimic such a structure but here in that under
0:01:44and using any arbitrary geometry in this way for different purposes
0:01:50for example for the case of imaging to get perfection when the proper geometry which
0:01:56provides all the conditions for overcoming the intrinsic all restriction of ordinary imaging
0:02:03the simplest case is as here
0:02:06if we could come find the emotion and propagation of light on the so based
0:02:10off a sphere then we can transfer complete information of the stores to date image
0:02:16that lies on to put a point of the source
0:02:19in this way there is a constant phase delay between service an image for all
0:02:24propagation direction this results in suppressing the diffraction and creates a perfect image but by
0:02:31using their kind of artificial materials with a varying reflective next we can show that
0:02:38exactly such a geometry that could be employed and adjusted this disc of the having
0:02:44the material
0:02:46for propagating lie in with exactly word as the surface of this year