three dimensional topological insulator is a fundamentally new phase electronic matter that is captured a

lot of interest and the condensed matter physics community over the past two or three


fundamental interest and three topological slayers

lies in the fact that exhibit a rare type behaviour called topological order

which describes organized movement of electrons the crystal

a consequence of this is that their surface electronics spectrums qualitatively distinct from any ordinary


in such a way is to allow us to select constant flow would not be

tracked by impurities

first experimental discovery but really talk much translator was making apply this that in and

money i think he has sounds group of princeton university falling really prediction by charles

cans collaborators at the university of pennsylvania

the prediction was based on the idea that pure and the money which is a

metal would become a topological insulator taken this newly formed into an insulator

outgoing edge when you would there's no

was predicted to perform this the defamation

to test for the topological slater phase the has a group search for the distinguishing

features of the serb select runs is a window into the box topological properties

in a general insulated with been or be coupling there can be seen or insert

states that standard log energy get is shown in this diagram

for an ordinary insulator these of the state always discourse such that they form even

number for me services

topological insulator however the number of surface form is services are

if even right count

is a topological distinction and it is clear that this method can only relies on

the material in a console

in this paper we address the question of whether they're experimental signatures the topological order

even in pure and to money

because it's money metallic surface take only relies on being able to separate surface reebok

states that the from the energy

the technique we need to do this is an angle result photo emission spectroscopy

the basic principles that photons intentional crystal bands money and excite electrons into the backing

by measuring the energy momentum these further we electrons the energy momentum dispersion inside the

crystal can be deduced

two measures then these energy and momentum analyzed electrons an accelerated towards the heavy scattering


where they will be preferential e scattered left to right based on there's interaction going

to standard scattering

the distinguishing properties of statistics are that there's and colourised and have no dispersion one

a direction normal to the surface

a typical for emission spectrum of an someone you shown here along momentum cut denoted

by the red line

if we look at how the state that for me energy change against bearing on

another one surface normal direction we find it only for right branches around zero momentum

show no dispersion

also find that these four ranges are still polarised proving that there indeed surfaced

there are two possible ways these service states comes first which reflect whether enter non-use

topological or not

if the word topological and the surface states as first in the sense shown in

the upper panel informant had a like for me services it on the right

if you were not topological the surface data disposition below and instead form a concentric

circular from is this

the dispersion certain states overall momentum space

we experimentally find that the from step is exhibited had a light all g which

confirms that and twenty the d topological

our here shows that even in metal there can be signatures a topological order

it also confirmed that topological properties of is intentionally three topological and sliders the right

from the electronic structure event

in future this procedure can be generally applied to search for her materials a topological
