
i this is karen mickey the scientist at arbour for in this tutorial on going

to show you have a she added and share your slides video entirely with a

knife in some let's get started

first off what do you need in the way of equipment and software

unit and i found or other smart phone with the camera that she's video and

it will also support the software you will be

next you need i movie or a similar movie editing program which you can find

a nap store and download to your five

finally you need an internet connection so that you can probably sure video to video

sharing sites such as ut

the next step is to develop a script or storyboard for your video to guide

your family entity this can be a simple text file or you can use powerpoint

to create your storyboard you can change the script or storyboard as you progress but

it will provide a basic outline to follow as you get started with your video


next shoot some footage you want to film yourself explaining your research or do interviews

with colleagues

they don't activities in various settings and from different perspectives and to illustrate aspects of

your work

also they'll procedures and equipment

you want to shoot still images of plants animals the landscape and other c is

gonna use in my entire sequences in your video

which you shot your footage you're ready to edit

i'll be using high movie for this tutorial

when you open minded be you will be presented with the screen like this

to create a new project just tap the plus someone

the project will then open and you will have a screen composed of your window

at the top and the project timeline at the bottom

the various tools are in the smaller boxes alongside the to your window

let's add some video clips tap on the high common showing the film role and

this opens up your video but and music files

select a video at the bottom and then find the clip you would like to


tap on that clip and it will be outlined in orange and a blue arrow

what then appear

tap on the blue arrow and it will drop into your time one

let's at a few more clips

if you want to look for clip just press on it with your finger and

racket to where you want it in the timeline and then release

let's add a few more clips

note that where every the play heady is this is the pink vertical line this

is where your media will be added

you can expand the view of your clips using the pitch since gesture on your

phone screen this doesn't change the clip duration just the number of frames and visible

to you and the timeline window

let's look at how to trim a clip perhaps you wish to show only a

segment of a clip or any interest tram of just the eeand first happened the

clip in the timeline which places an orange outline around it then grab in track

the handles and word to train

you can see that eyes on the handle the end of the clip the and

cuts off that portion

now we have a shorter segments that original clean

you can remove the clip by pressing out it with your finger in dragging it

out of the timeline really set and it's gone

let's take a look at some other media in the camera role

here is a simple animation idea to in powerpoint and export it as a movie

file which are transferred to my i phone camera well

it adds and plays just like a film clip and helps explain something about the

topic at this the idea

now let's add some still photos which are shot and are stored in my photo


let's pick a couple to add

just tap on it and it automatically trots into your time one

let's add another photo

let's say

this one looks like a good one

you can add motion to your photo with the ken burns affect by tapping wants

on the photo which selects it

notice at the top it says track to position and pinched is by placing the

play had at the start of the clip we can maybe the photo around position

the starting point then move to the end of the clip we can reposition and

so if we like

and now you can say how they can burns affect ads motion to still images

and this is very complimentary with your video clips

okay let's add an opening sequence with the title for the media

double tap on the planet which opens a dialogue box

we can now change the volume of the audio or silence it all together by

tapping the box to the right

data title select opening title and you'll notice that x box appears and by touching

it opens up on your keyboard

now you can type in your title

and i'm going to title this video code of the which in french means heart

of the

now when we tap on the play button we can see how the title will

appear when the video place

we can also add text to i little clip by selecting the middle option and

by typing in some a more text and then we can see what this looks

like when it plays

these little icons between your clips create transitions

double tap and we can change the duration of the transition or select another type

of transition

by selecting non this turns it into what is known as a cut transition

which is just a chunk from one clip to the next

the icon still stays in the timeline so that you can change it back to

a dissolve transition later at change your mind

and now you can see what across dissolve transition looks like

you may wish to record a voiceover for your the idea to do this just

tap on the microphone icon and then tap record

you can also she the idea while in i movie just tap on the camera

icon which opens up your liens

the record as you normally would with your phone

the triple dropper right into the timeline wherever you have the play had such a

weighted when you started recording

next you might want to add some music to your video

tap on the audio icon then playing music

you can preview each one by tapping on the play button adjacent to the selection

then when you find one you like tap it and it drops into your project


then tapping the play button you can pretty the music

by tapping of the project settings button you can change the entire thing with the


there are number of options that you can try out

we've been working with the modern option

but let's see what another one looks like

so by selecting another

the aim option you can see what this does to the opening text and then

also how it changes the middle text

and if you don't like that there are the themes that are simpler and less


okay what you've got everything the way you want it you can preview the video

by going back to the marquee screen

tap the play button and you can preview with or without optimization and we'll just

say no for now

if you're happy with it then you can type in the title for your video

by tapping on the marquee which opens up your keyboard

and so i'll just type in occur to the

next you want to tap the share a button which opens up a list of

options selecting camera role at the top will say that to your can roll from

which you can download to your computer

note that it's probably best to select an h d version because this is going

to be compatible with youtube and other video sharing sites

or you can apply directly to u t or another video sharing side although you

need an account this is easy to set a

you can also sing your video to heidi

so this is just a brief overview of a high movie to get you started

detailed instructions are available by tapping on the help button

this will lead you to more detailed information and instructions on how to use ein


and now let's take a look at the finished product



the slow progress with different reasons maybe one

so i

which i for some we you know


by force and

right plot of one hundred that's right here set


and that's all there is to it i hope this tutorial inspires you to create

your and science the ideas this is karen the key the side just be der

for thanks for watching
