my name is alan back a medical director research that you know the heart and
vascular clinic aligned of health care in saint paul minnesota
an associate professor in cardiology university of minnesota
i like to talk with you about some research we've done using medical scribes inner
cardiology click
although some emergency positions have been using scribe successfully for years there's very little data
in the medical literature about the use of scribes particularly in the context setting
and there are no prospect of studies assessing their value
we performed a prospective study a comparing standard care described here
during standard clear follow visit or twenty minutes a new patient visits were forty minutes
during scribe care file this is where fifteen minutes and you patient visits for thirty
scraper for many tasks that are typically performed by position before the visit they prepared
the no put in historical and test information during the visit they transcribe the history
the impression i and after the visit a typed in patient instructions
did billing a code and other fish was unable to look at the node make
modifications inside a phone
we analyze sixty five hours of patient care using standard care in sixty five hours
with describes a spread our model for cardiologists
position productivity is measured by patients seen per hour increased by fifty nine percent and
work are we use generated increased by fifty seven percent
now this was a true increase in productivity because we were at near maximal productivity
with our standard care and during scribe here the patient visits were completed during the
allotted time frame and physicians didn't need to stay after clinic to complete their documentation
patience s factual is very high during both scribe and standard care visits
position haitian interaction was assessed by a an experienced performance improvement manager
and was graded to be
better during scribe care as compared to normal care
decision spent less time in the visit with the patient or time and focus direct
attention on the patience
direct and indirect revenue generated from visits increased by two hundred five thousand dollars from
the eighty one additional patients seen over the sixty five hour timeframe
we subsequently incorporate this ascribe system into our standard care for ten physicians
several position to used to remain after clinic for two to three hours to complete
their documentation worn out leaving on time expressed mark satisfaction with this
a one physician decided not to cut back to eighty percent i'm from full time
because she was able to get home and see her children
these staff have noted patients are very happy that they feel like they're being seen
on time and the patient flow in the clinic is much better
in summary we feel that the use of medical scribes the benefits are all parties
involved and patients get more attention and more focused care from their positions
they also better access to care their physicians because of increased slots available on position
positions can improve job satisfaction in clinic a better access to care to care for
their patience a better work life balance reduced paperwork
and the increase productivity based hate
describes a great training in fact approximately twenty five percent of the
initial first your medical school class university of minnesota train describes originally
the healthcare system becomes much more efficient increases revenue by seeing more patients not by
ordering more tasks and it reduces costs increase productivity
we think the user described in the clinic is an important option for improving the
quality of economics of healthcare