i everyone well as follows peace amount from the market cancer centre in tampa florida
like to talk to you today about a recent review article which my colleagues and
i have written for the present journal
in the current article we really highlighted a lot of the advances which eliminate in
the management of your with your course to know
as you all know for the most part of the results of current study regiments
and interpersonal sequence have been somewhat disappointing and we really haven't seen any improvements in
outcomes over the past ten to fifteen years
however i we highlight in this present review article
there are some kurt new advances which have been made in the management so you're
if you carcinoma
and this can be broken down in the measurement of
localised these
in the form of interpersonal treatments
and similarly advancement in the management of more advanced disease uniform a systemic therapies or
which consist of either systemic chemotherapy or target regions
i think is important to know that there are some current regimens which'll quite exciting
and are important to keep abreast as we attempt to improve the outcomes or patients
in the months and years to come thank you very much