better job wrong permutations are that's this is in trouble

with either or

these areas are defined yes exactly the generative posted process of all

or also or morals

if you see case additional of the processes

or equal

but paper use facial okay

but they also have a link with you system

and chronic illness

so probably brought over all the coefficients

useful for to lead to an improvement in logical diseases



such as who actually allergic

however inflammatory diseases

little is known


and if a british

all changes of this

jaw iterations

examples were analyzed

to assess the expression

i quantification of you more dangerous

which can play a role in the chances

all in morphological d c six

this is that it's of course

of all attentional madness

virtual on okay conditions

our i think

in the robot go p c's

but you and i

samples of families often well

taken from two or three iterations

have you extracted from forty one iteration

the specimens were analyzed

but i believe

would less technology

and test it for seven you message


round this

okay i also for cc of five

and affect more robust growth there are two

all five high levels

in actual applications test

i started kind

could not be detected

l c reference


this time we can forms

the actual interpretation

is able to produce if very messages

problem around us


f g s to the few corpus

but with are implicated in many serious illness

basically levels of roughness

and f two

each or computation patience


i reference utterances

one two sclerosis

rumour has right is an breast cancer

are there

to that's

finally in medical

that was the pack each or conditions

are higher than several

and it should of course we

and s

and i or i illustrations

and for however

then breast cancer case or dish


but i such as

the jaw impatience

my sort of is fundamental calls

of logical ceases

through to run test

and f g if two

the produce

that's joy recognition

and i okay you messages

and i s

of phonological is easy

and so it is also calls

removing all your fish

may be a key to reward you can see

there is the need

to raise awareness

of all on duration

from our busy

that is

thank you for your attention