you know
right part of your an accurate or university for example here
and i first there is a lecture about various commands on the internet and i'm
not sufficient amount of meaning that the person with a number of the council that
is i was on the bus at recording fasted nevertheless in the past coded as
nonchalantly whatever they were doing
i was tired a big i take a look like that so they were just
like i received before
we have some archaeological training
a free choice and go to this one was the only modeling is another from
my other than those from university
it also was what during the war for topic that much
past experience as far as archaeology goes i haven't taking my four year degree i'm
about there are you going into my four year
i do not somewhere else just for this problem here is very two or more
of the actual things like more than five or things like that are still gave
it is one of the directors or supervisors that they did for us
i think that are more experience or something different
a lot that are mixed so the water
i actually
so i drink water
so i
we get
well they ask that you have afforded up archaeological trial and fairly your does this
got should have idiot so actually interviewing landings relative audible or do the trick or
right now we are watching
and basically this context which is one hundred and we would like nothing had a
lot of water in it so we're just drive originally for to be a random
order like what and show
i believe that the entries
the basically i just a lot of dry brushing whatever the syllable
i word for the three regions where we're just removing the silver direction
this is like
this their that working on rate so it should look really interesting but much lately
quicker related to the fireplace is really project together and exactly okay with that of
the system
but i say that was the weaknesses i think it is worth the trawling in
of course
well to make sure that is that it is there is obviously of tense a
big mess to
kind of set up our types of the general area there is a nice be
destined that we spend a lot like the cards and that sort of
the social life is definitely adjusting it will also you look for every day
every morning around
i a depending what data is it
and it seems like your and we really
i like learning to your actually it's kinda interesting in the of the so they
can we get from one side is that it would be actually what they had
sure that the first two showers but you get used
as a little worried about have this is because that we have accounts for about
two three days straight before
i'm sorry but what my friends and she was bringing the tense because i didn't
have one
so she brought by inter tend to have the ramsey
so we found this out as we do not
i shared family
and we notice but attending to our sides
so we are met
my site
about well yes
and we also have rabbits files kind of model or a hold file i guess
is about that right at the fact that they
a all next
are they relate to be
how about where i'm getting audibly going
there will be doing another for four weeks which is actually for quite right
i've are basically everything that the to do anything and everything but the simple things
like charlie to identify line actually
do you level a pretty much everything i
what about
i haven't but it is known
all i