i i'm one time a nash principle of the paper and five reach animal testing

the court principal reach stands for registration evaluation realization and restriction of giggles and intended

to force on the first of june two thousand seven

we feel that reaches final to gas

the first count is that it is presented as engaging with the cost me principle

words in fact is based on risk assessment and mismanagement

and the second point we feel reaches file is that it is based on i

modality but there is not predictive humans and then is animals

and the reason we feel that animal models are not predictive for himself is based

on empirical evidence

a complexity theory and evolutionary biology

with so many chemicals l a it's important to prioritise the chemicals the most relevant

to human health the environment we feel the place to begin is by taking look

to see what's in our bodies we can do this very non-invasive the by studying

blood and urine samples and by a more "'cause"

in these only froze

now we consider the by reasonable to die around three hundred industrial chemicals in the


the policy of pollution prevention

scale preferable to pollution control