InterSpeech 2017

InterSpeech 2017

The theme of Interspeech 2017 was Situated interaction. Face-to-face interaction is the primary use of speech, and arguably also the richest, most effective and most natural kind of speech communication. The situation, context and human behaviors are intrinsic parts that continuously shape and form the interaction. In attempting to understand this situated interaction, we face a fruitful and real challenge for the speech communication community: To investigate what kinds of situational awareness, social sensibilities and conversational abilities we should endow machines with for them to engage in conversations with humans on human terms.

Interspeech 2017 emphasized an interdisciplinary approach covering all aspects of speech science and technology spanning basic theories to applications. In addition to regular oral and poster sessions, the conference also featured plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutorials, special sessions, show & tell sessions, and exhibits. A number of satellite events took place immediately before and after the conference.




ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievements 2017

Fumitada Itakura, Professor, Nagoya University, Japan


Dialogue as Collaborative Problem Solving

James Allen, Professor of Computer Science, University of Rochester, Associate Director of the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition in Pensacola Florida


Conversing with social agents that smile and laugh

Catherine Pelachaud, Director of Research CNRS at ISIR, University of Pierre and Marie Curie


Re-inventing speech – the biological way

Björn Lindblom, Professor emeritus University of Stockholm Sweden, Professor emeritus University of Texas at Austin USA

Opening & Closing