- SIGdial 2013
- Opening, Closing (2)
- Keynotes (1)
- Discourse, semantics, and generation (4)
- Dialog and Discourse in social media, interpersonal relationships (3)
- Situated and multi-modal dialog (3)
- Dialog system control and evaluation (4)
- Learning Dialogue Management Models for Task-Oriented Dialogue with Parallel Dialogue and Task Streams
- POMDP-based dialogue manager adaptation to extended domains
- Training and evaluation of an MDP model for social multi-user human-robot interaction
- Evaluation of Speech Dialog Strategies for Internet Applications in the Car
- Models of dialog and spoken discourse (3)
- Speech processing technology in dialog (3)
- Dialog state tracking (5)
- The Dialog State Tracking Challenge
- Recipe For Building Robust Spoken Dialog State Trackers: Dialog State Tracking Challenge System Description
- A Simple and Generic Belief Tracking Mechanism for the Dialog State Tracking Challenge: On the believability of observed information
- Multi-domain learning and generalization in dialog state tracking
- Structured Discriminative Model For Dialog State Tracking
- Dialog state tracking challenge 2 (1)
- The REAL dialog challenge (1)