Mapa webu
- Speech Prosody 2014
- Keynotes (4)
- Plenary Oral (12)
- Prosodic Entrainment in Mandarin Chinese and English: A Cross-Linguistic Comparison
- Speaker Movement Correlates with Prosodic Indicators of Engagement
- Prosody, voice assimilation, and conversational fillers
- Stability in perceiving non-native segmental length contrasts
- Investigating the relationship between accentuation, vowel tensity and compensatory shortening
- The form and use of uptalk in Southern Californian English
- Tuning in to whispered boundary tones
- “A little more ironic” Voice quality and segmental reduction differences between sarcastic and neutral utterances
- Is breathing sensitive to the communication partner?
- Probabilistic prosody: Effects of relative speech rate on perception of (a) word(s) several syllables earlier
- The role of intonation in early word recognition and learning
- Prominence perception in and out of context
- Speech Rhythm and Timing (6)
- Rhythmic structure of utterances in native and non-native Polish
- Long-term convergence of speech rhythm in L1 and L2 English
- Probing Theories of Speech Timing using Optimization Modeling
- The influence of accentuation and onset complexity on gestural timing within syllables
- Head gesture timing is constrained by prosodic structure
- The ternary contrast of consonant duration in Inari Saami
- Slavic Prosody (5)
- Slovak prosody in the phonetics-phonology debate: Yers and emergent prosodic breaks.
- Time and timing in intonational phonology: analysing pitch categories in Russian (and other Slavonic languages)
- On the origins of the prosodic word in Russian
- Local and Global Acoustic Correlates of Information Structure in Bulgarian
- Description of Polish speech rhythm using rhythm metrics and time-delay approach: A comparative study
- Terminology in Prosody Research (2)
- Perception and Production (6)
- Implicit prosodic priming and autistic traits in relative clause attachment
- Listening for sound, listening for meaning: Task effects on prosodic transcription
- Acoustic-Prosodic Characteristics of Sleepy Speech - Between Performance and Interpretation
- Hyperarticulation in Lombard speech: A preliminary study
- A Study of Human Perception of Intonation in Domestic Cat Meows
- Observation of so-called “pursed-lip” and “curled-lip” utterances in Japanese, using video and MRI images
- Intonation (6)
- Segmental Influences on the Perception of Pitch Accent Scaling in English
- Intonational phonology in Bengali and English infant-directed speech
- Hemispheric lateralization of sentence intonation in left handed subjects with typical and atypical language lateralization: an fMRI study
- The acquisition of multimodal cues to disbelief
- The pragmatic interpretation of intonation in Greek wh-questions
- Temporal stability of long term measures of fundamental frequency