i try to research the business case for responsibility unsustainable this why try to understand
when companies do good things for the apartment over the decoding society if you take
an example there is this ice cream a good old ben and jerry's maybe you
heard of the maybe many people are part of them
and ben and jerry's does a good things what the environment and that within a
society so that support a fair trade or they pay their workers a living wage
what i tried to understand is you know when they do these things does that
actually influence
consumers intention to by their ice cream rather than buying competitors isochrony well i
just came out of finishing up open publishing your time in this book as activists
called leveraging corporate responsibility the stakeholder groups to maximizing business and social value but published
by cambridge university press
and this book actually looks that
responsibility in sustainability through the high off the consumer and so the eyes of the
employee and understands kind of you know what conditions to
companies need to
implement or abide by for these stakeholder groups to reward these companies for their proper
response like initiatives
the corp responsibility manager the sustainability manager is a fairly peripheral part of a company's
lie and so i wanted to do something about it and so that's my latest
research project so what i'm doing now is i have started this roundtable just call
the sustainable business roundtable
and there are companies that are participating in this town table and that sixteen companies
that what is a bit right now including the likes of you know microsoft nestle
sensor audience you name it so that we have sixteen really big companies
and the sustainability managers of these companies basically come to my roundtable along with colleagues
from other departments the more we can get the sustainability manager into contact with the
war trampled more important departments up optimization
over time sustainability is going to be kind of more mainstream and be more integrated
into kind of the d n a of the of the organisation so there is
really need for research up to be don all these emerging market in the area
of innovation in their of sustainability to troll
you know what strategies and what a actions the consumers and other stakeholders in these
countries kind of to undertake so we need to figure out ways to deal with
these completely in the in the emerging market to kind of have a better future
for all of us collectively