when a not particles are administered intravenously the direct people target and non-target set is

especially with red line set

among the most interesting a particle as potential the plastic that the agent

our problem or i need not apart

then is that hazardous that show that experiments on biological members of read that sounds

and on the diffusion

we used two types of coupled for right and of particles suspension

situation as it it's or and better

one human read that's elsewhere separately between suspensions of both types that the particle

we visually inspect the scanning electron micrograms quantify the shape of durations of individual read

in the sample exposed secret message this or that of particles we noticed a more

pronounced shape duration of read that sells that the sample expose bear a particle

s are especially interested in the mechanism of the direction we can be competent domain

right of way to do not a part of suspension again this time we are

sufficiently advance

just as in the experiment with red that's as we showed that the c s

that's or not of particles distract the members opposite close to a higher extent then

the better article

with six week as it is it's sort these out of articles lowers their the

duration suspension and alters their biological reactivity

we conclude that the size of flannel particle elaborates has a notable the fact their

potential to disrupt both artificial and biological membranes

before the net of particles are extensively used in madison has to just potential of

not only that of particles but also their number it should be further investigate