this is the last lecture city streets about so the
how she's tried to understand the will between you from the basis of the
the kind of analysis historical analysis on friday so far times set is
series of lectures are as the study so they have to produce equal society which
onset began with the
eighteen century philosophers looking for you basis for
you hear the basis for democratic society
and then went through and i'm trying to describe how
machine a machine evolution and the
the capitalist economic organization that's the truth
created something
that's a cool have a state capitalism fashional capitalism
and in the last the
couple of lectures been talking about will society i've seen first of all from the
point of view
the initial victims of western imperialism the
identical only a revolution that they were able to
and unit in the twentieth century
and then a last week of course we talked about the evolving relations between reaction
to conch
and the context of something called about
and i wanted to support for are now
on this also society you and how
we my approaches has an splotches
not start from the
observation that the
we'll society in the last section has been organised principally through nation states
this is done lots of the data comes have to was very fast
now we'll society and the a spice essential was organized nations the
what that means is that
the most of us the first reference for society
is the nation that we want to that
when the time a creative more socio
i wrote outside cv at only sort of society
in terms of the france see that it
it was set is writing about france but it was assumed by him this rate
is that
the french society was the most appropriate location for
and we talk about the economy today
we invariably referred to national
we with a in societies whose money supplies controlled by
a national central back
we go to we're organized our education is organized by national
you're a piece
rules of education the common sense of courses are established
the form of the language is regulated by
make it is so it's not sure how awful
notion that society is in its most significant
aspects monopolised by other nations
that's it's that we expect a five for us to imagine
the world outside relations
and i have a few the a clear that the typical method or ethnography
just you by anthropologist in the twentieth century
is itself a reflection of this dominant model society should
quite over the table
as it wasn't suffering already of a distraction
are okay i played back
what are
a fair to me or
something to do with nations days national this yes the topography that's what were
the that that's i mean absolute before the as apology in the nineteen century was
a kind of commentary on western imperialism so i plane and on the whole will
form by western imperialism body posture revolution
in terms of what it once the gain for
where is then societies that
there are fancy sure that the outputs the this was the cultural appendage grounded in
scientific method that supposed to magic
a and the rest of it
but it was also see has be reflected in a biological and dominance and that
for reflecting the sorts of racial hierarchy that what white people it's all
brown people in middle bottom
of course model anthropology was that transactions apology was a reaction against that
and it's all to establish the
well density of cultures around the world even those considered to be primitive boric salsa
and it's also established that are also be and developed around the
a general feast instead of cultural relativism that is to say that we should not
change other people's cultures
we should only consider what is that called should also that
well as that of course the f the graphic method
which was pioneered by minors chianti students and others such as well as
was based on our on finding in the exotic parts of the word anaphor occur
in the pacific and so on
societies which fruitlessly the all pass be locally self sufficient as being bound the
as being culturally homogeneous
so that we talked about the luna
imagining that will there was a locally boundary social reality corresponding to that label
and the older people in what
a reasonably summarize no
okay so approach to what is not v
is i would argue simply reflection of the nationalist premise is a well society
that is the same what it does is it suggests that
the idea that british l one people that they share a common culture
then we in this site it's all really boundary society
which is a completely dominance
in that
a social and cultural practise is that's idea
somehow was come from the by finding similar organization in the other actually primitive parts
of the world suggested perhaps it's it was universal i've the excel
and that would not show a
i see that the destination state is
has been probably the single most successful
form of society every yet events
you would be that we can channel
and the late nineteenth century
and may not be getting stronger is present for
but in that period of a hundred and fifty eight
the universality of the nation's data that's the principle for society has been a tremendously
and one of the ways that would like to salute indicate this is by asking
what kind of community
a nation states